Page 7 of Nate
“Hey man, no appointments tonight?”
Max looked up, a grin appearing on his handsome face when he saw him. “Not for me. I’m taking off early. You caught me as I was about to head out.”
“Where are you going?”
The grin faded and Max avoided eye contact. “Nowhere, just seeing a friend.”
Nate frowned at Max’s uncharacteristic evasiveness, but figured he was seeing a new girl he wasn’t ready to talk about yet. It had been awhile since he’d dated anyone. “I won’t keep you then.” He leaned his elbows on the counter. “Was going to see if you wanted to get a drink, but I’ll just say thank you and go.”
“Thank you for what?”
“For sending me that cute little geek with the dreads.”
Max frowned as he thought for a moment, before his brow cleared with the memory. “Oh yeah, Kevin, with the X-Men piece.” He shook his head. “You know I wasn’t sending him over there for you like that.”
Nate laughed. Max was full of shit. He’d recently bitched to his friend about how he was tired of dating the same type of guy and wished someone new would come along. A few weeks later, Kevin shows up, sent to him by Max. “If you say so, my friend. But I don’t care either way. All that matters are the results.” He lightly slapped the glass, pushing himself back. “Have fun with your new lady.” He turned to go, but Max called him back.
“I’ve gotten to know Kevin a little in the two years I’ve been inking him. That shyness ain’t a front, Nate. Don’t expect him to fawn over your ass like those club boys you meet.”
Nate acknowledged Max’s warning with a nod. “I’d be disappointed if he did.”
Chapter Four
“So you mentioned youwork in technology. What do you do?”
Kevin was in for his third training session with Nate. He was doing butterfly presses. However, instead of using the machine, Nate had him on his back on the mats, doing them while he held himself up in a bridge position. He said it was a way to maximize his time by also working on his core, instead of those muscles sitting idle.
Kevin had to admit, the guy knew what he was talking about. His quads and stomach burned from the effort of holding himself up in this position. He breathed in slow and deep like he’d been taught and answered.
“I develop web and mobile phone apps.”
Nate was sitting cross legged next to him. He looked down at Kevin, surprised interest on his face. “Is that right? We’re actually looking to develop an app for our customers.”
Kevin followed through with another rep. “I could help you.”
Nate finished up his count. “Twelve. That’s it for set one. Take a thirty second break, breathe and stay loose.” He looked up from his watch for a moment. “Are you serious about that offer?”