Page 1 of Alpha Awakened
May 6, 1982
US Legion Base - Fort Grove
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Dusk slowly fell across the sky as Hazard crossed the large, unfamiliar military base. He’d been offered an escort to his destination but declined it. All he had to do was head toward the one building where music and other sounds of revelry spilled out into the coming night. It was the largest rec hall on base, where he’d been told they were celebrating the retirement of Master Sergeant Mildred Grayson.
He was there to speak with Major Ortiz about signing on to her special forces team, the 448, to replace their retiring member. Fitting that he’d arrived for the meeting during that member’s retirement bash.
By the time Hazard started up the direct path to the rec hall, the sun had completely disappeared, taking most of the spring heat with it. The area around the hall was dark, lit only by the amber light above the glass doors of the entrance.
When Hazard reached those doors, he noticed a man lurking in the shadows near the entrance. He was tall. Big. Clearly an alpha. The man was in casual, civilian clothes, every stitch of it solid black. He even wore a black, three-hole balaclava. That wasn’t terribly unusual, plenty of soldiers in the Legion choseto keep their faces covered. Although most of them only did so during missions, not while on base. There was just enough light reaching the alpha for Hazard to see that he had dark eyes, but whether they were brown or black he couldn’t tell.
They’d made eye contact, so out of politeness, Hazard stopped to exchange a friendly word. Besides, he was nervous about this meeting. A few moments of small talk would help him steady his nerves. He smiled at the soldier before he spoke.
“Out here by yourself. Is the party not to your liking?” he asked.
The mystery soldier was silent for a long moment, his dark eyes direct on Hazard’s, before he answered in a deep, rough voice.
“I don’t do parties.”
For some reason, the sound of that voice tugged at something in Hazard’s chest. He brushed the odd feeling off to ask his next question. “Why not?”
This time the answer was immediate.
“Mind your business, soldier.”
An officer then. The snap of authority in the stranger’s voice was a dead giveaway. And clearly he didn’t want to be bothered, so it was time for Hazard to leave.
“Enjoy your lurking. Sir.” Hazard caught the narrowing of those dark eyes at his not-so-subtle impertinence, but slipped away before the man could dole out a reprimand.
* * *
Ice watched the soldier disappear into the rec hall. Most soldiers showed him deference, either out of respect for his rank or fear of him personally. That one seemed to have neither.
He didn’t recognize the soldier, and Mitchell, the name on his uniform, didn’t ring any bells. Not that he knew all the personnel on base. But something about that one, with his hairas dark as the night around them and eyes that he could just barely make out were green, stood out in a way that he knew he would remember him if he’d seen him before.
His bearing was too seasoned for him to be a fresh new guy arriving with the latest batch of recruits. However, soldiers were transferred to new bases and new units all the time. Or he could be a visitor. Maybe he was a friend of Grayson’s stopping by to see her off. Whoever he was, it didn’t matter to him.
Ice pushed off the wall and straightened. He’d put in an appearance at the party and said his goodbyes to Grayson. He didn’t need to spend any more time socializing. Ready for peaceful solitude, he left the shadows and headed back to the quiet of his barracks.
Chapter 1
July 29, 1982
US Legion Base - Fort Grove
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Ice walked into the strategy room and sat down at the table. As usual, he was the first of their team to arrive for the pre-mission briefing. His squadmate Jax came in next, giving him a nod before he took a seat. The door opened again and Major Ortiz, the leader of their squad, arrived.
“Major,” he said in greeting.