Page 101 of Alpha Awakened
Hazard inwardly cringed. He didn’t like being reprimanded for fucking up. “You’re right, sir. I’m sorry. I let personal shit fuck up my focus. It won’t happen again.”
Ice pulled back and looked at him for a long moment. He seemed as though he wanted to say something, but settled on a nod.
After that, Hazard became his usual chatty self as they moved from group to group in the ballroom and then room to room exploring the lower level of the mansion. People flocked to him as always. He held the conversations, which allowed Ice to listen and observe. It wasn’t time wasted. In the smoking room, they happened upon a small group engaged in a quiet conversation. The omegas stood there mute and pretty while the alphas talked.
“The man has some radical ideas,” said a stocky alpha with a thick salt and pepper beard. “But many of them are solid.”
The man they were referring to had to be Cortez. Ice and Hazard stopped, sipping on their champagne as they listened to the conversation.
A tall, lanky alpha woman in an orange mask decorated with owl feathers spoke next.
“It would be a hassle to relocate. But it could be worth it in the end.”
“And I hear that Minnesota has some beautiful landscapes. I could get used to lake views.”
Hazard and Ice shared a quick glance of silent communication. Minnesota. That had to be the place where Cortez planned to set up his new pack majora. That was valuable intel.
The conversation gradually changed to another topic so they didn’t pick up anything else important. They left the smoking room and followed another group heading to a section of the mansion where multiple paintings and sculptures were displayed. The group was chatty, expressing their thoughts on the art pieces with Hazard. Hazard was listening to a silver haired beta woman in a hot pink mask explain Neo-Expressionism when Ice leaned down, lips brushing Hazard’s ear as he spoke.
“Vaughn’s office is down that hall. We might find a copy of the guest list there.”
Hazard nodded.
Ice excused them from the conversation. They strolled off, walking slowly as if they were admiring the paintings and sculptures in the gallery. When they reached the hallway, they made their way down it, still moving at a nonchalant pace. The hall was quiet and dimly lit by wall sconces. There were no guards to keep anyone out, but it clearly wasn’t a part of the house they expected guests to congregate in.
Before they reached the office door, Hazard looked back over his shoulder. He saw a guard passing by at the end of the hall. She paused, curiously looking down at them. Thinking quickly, Hazard stopped and grabbed Ice’s hand. He smiled up at his partner, slow and sultry, and leaned back against the wall. At the question he saw in Ice’s gaze, he flicked his eyes towardthe other end of the hall, letting him know without words that there was someone there.
Ice caught on quick. He braced one hand on the wall above Hazard’s head. Hazard lightly grasped the lapels of Ice’s suit jacket and tugged him in close. Standing there with their faces hovering close together, they looked like a couple who simply wanted to sneak away for a few minutes of privacy.
“Is she gone yet?” Ice asked, keeping his voice low.
“No,” Hazard whispered back after checking. “Either she’s waiting to make sure we’re really a horny couple looking for privacy or she’s waiting for a show.”
“Then let’s give her one.”
Ice moved in even closer, until their lips were barely an inch apart.
“Okay,” Hazard breathed out.
Ice kissed him. It was heart-achingly familiar after all the kisses they’d shared at the cabin. A part of Hazard wanted to stop it, knowing that this would only hurt him. Make it harder for him to get over his feelings for the captain. But he was a soldier. He’d agreed to the mission knowing they might have to do something like this while pretending to be a couple. So he gave in, letting himself sink into the kiss.
He followed Ice’s lead as the alpha’s lips moved over his, eagerly letting him lick into his mouth. His eyes closed and heart thumping, he slid his hands up the broad, muscled width of Ice’s back, feeling the fine nap of the jacket and the solid warmth of his body beneath it.
The kiss did hurt, but in the best, most exquisite way.
At a natural pause in their kiss, Hazard pulled back and turned his head slightly to look toward the end of the hall. The guard was no longer there.
“She’s gone,” he whispered.
“Mmmm... Good,” Ice whispered back as he trailed kisses down Hazard’s neck.
Hazard held back a moan at the touch of Ice’s lips on his skin. “We need to get back to the mission,” he softly reminded his partner.
“We will,” Ice said.
But he didn’t stop kissing the line of Hazard’s throat. His tongue darted out to lick over Hazard’s scent gland, then he closed his lips over it and sucked.
“Ah!” Hazard gasped. His body arched up to press against Ice’s, trying to get as close to the alpha as possible. Ice gripped his hips, tugging him up so that their groins nestled together.