Page 109 of Alpha Awakened
“Really?” Dylan pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at him in surprise.
Ice nodded. “Yeah. We do this casually with no labels. No one knows about it. And if either of us wants to end it, it’s over no questions asked. Can you accept those terms?”
“Good. Then get your ass out of my bed.”
“What? Why?”
“You need to get back to your own room before the major or Jax wakes up. Give them plausible deniability.”
Dylan snorted. “After the way Ortiz sent us off last night I’m sure she already knows.”
Royce arched a brow. “Are you really protesting five seconds after we set the rules?”
“Ugh, fine.”
Dylan laughed and rolled out of bed to pull on his clothes. Royce shamelessly watched him, eyes caressing supple, golden skin over firm muscles until it was all covered up by a wrinkled tuxedo. Once Dylan was dressed, he started from the room.
But before he made it two steps away from the bed, Royce reached out and caught his arm. He gently tugged him down until they were face to face. “Last night was amazing,” he said before he pressed their lips together in a slow kiss.
Dylan smiled when he pulled back.
“Last night was everything.”
* * *
After the undercover mission, they were held on base for days while the intelligence team poured over the intel they’d been given and continued searching out Cortez. Hazard was tasked with overseeing training drills for the same group of privates he’d worked with during the now infamous sparring match with Ice. They were finishing up breakfast when he asked Ice to join him.
“Want to come along while I torture the privates for a couple of hours?”
“I have a report to submit. But I’ll come and join you once it’s done.”
“Okay, see you then.”
Their fingers brushed as Hazard passed by him on his way out but they didn’t do anything more than that. Whatever this was between them it was secret. And even if Ortiz and Jax suspected what was going on, as they most likely did, theyweren’t going to act like a couple in front of them. Like Ice had said, plausible deniability. They didn’t want to get their squadmates into trouble.
Hazard made his way to the training ground where the privates were waiting. “Fall in,” he said sharply.
The soldiers quickly got in line and stood at attention. Hazard decided to focus mostly on partner drills, keeping it chill and fun to help the privates bond with one another. He teased and joked with them, watching with satisfaction as the tension melted from their faces. They all worked hard, but with a cheerful, good-natured mood that made it seem as if they were simply having a strenuous day on the school playground.
As promised, Ice joined him once he was finished with his reports. Hazard smiled, warmth blooming in his chest when the big alpha strolled up to stand at his side. He was happy to see him. Happy that his lover had come to spend time with him.
“Hey, Captain.”
Ice nodded a greeting. “Corporal.” His greeting was short as always, but his dark eyes shone with a smile as he looked down at Hazard.
The drills continued, now with both of them barking orders and critiquing the young soldiers. Hazard bit back a laugh as the privates either shook with fear when Ice approached them or pushed themselves to the limit to try and impress him.
After they finished tactical partner carries, Hazard whistled to call them all back over to him. “Alright, newbies. Drop and give me fifty push-ups. In unison. Do the last five one armed with your non-dominant arm. Then finish out with wind sprints. Private Bland, set the pace.”
“Yes, sir!”
The privates hit the ground in two lines and started their pushups.
“Down! Up!” Bland shouted.
“One!” the privates shouted back.