Page 116 of Alpha Awakened
“What was that about?” he asked.
“I’ve been asked to go and speak to wolf pups as a shining example of what omegas can be in this world.”
“That’s good. When are we going?”
“Wearen’t going. I’m being sent out on my own.”
Ice didn’t say anything. But he shifted his stance slightly.
Hazard tilted his head to the side in question. Something about Ice’s change in body language let him know his lover wasn’t thrilled about that announcement. “You don’t want me going without you.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You don’t have to. I can see you pouting even though your face is covered.”
Ice let out a low, annoyed growl that made Hazard laugh.
“Grumpy kitten,” he teased, keeping his voice low so that no one would hear him.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be that way.”
“What way?”
“Jealous and possessive.”
“Why not?” Hazard moved in close, until the lack of space between them was just shy of inappropriate. “Maybe I want you to be jealous over me,” he said in a husky whisper. “In fact, maybe I want tomakeyou jealous. Have you watch me flirt with other alphas.” He paused to give a friendly wave to a trio of soldiers passing by, smiling as if he wasn’t deliberately riling up the feared Captain Ice Anderson just out of their ear shot. “Maybe I’ll even let a random alpha get their scent on me.”
“Yes, Royce?” he asked when Royce trailed off without finishing.
“If I ever smell another alpha on you, that alpha won’t be long for this world.”
Hazard opened his eyes wide, as if he were well and truly shocked. “Are you saying you would kill some poor, hapless shifter for putting their hands on me?”
“Yes,” Ice said bluntly.
After a moment, Hazard laughed. But Royce’s expressive eyes didn’t change from their deadly serious intensity whichmade him laugh all the harder. “Never change, Ice. I like you violent, possessive, and just a tiny bit crazy.”
They headed toward their barracks, arms bumping together as they walked. When they reached the door, Hazard opened it and held it open for Ice. But the alpha didn’t go inside. He stopped before the threshold and looked down at Hazard.
“When it comes to you, Dylan, I’m more than just a little bit crazy.”
* * *
That evening after dinner, Ice made his way outside. He climbed up to the roof of the main armory, resting his elbows on the guardrail to stare out over the base. The waxing gibbous moon hung overhead, making him wonder about the wolf sign for this month. He’d have to ask Hazard when he returned.
Hazard had departed for his solo assignment two hours ago. This would be their first night not being in the same place at the same time since Hazard had joined the team. Hazard had only been a member of the 448 for about four months, but he’d slotted himself into Ice’s life so completely, it seemed as if he’d been there for much longer than that.
After about ten minutes of having the rooftop to himself, someone approached behind him. Ice didn’t bother to turn around to see who it was, recognizing the major’s footsteps. Ortiz came over and leaned against the railing next to him. The two of them stood there silently for a few minutes, as they had so many times before. Ice appreciated that about her, that she could exist without the need to talk or move.
“I like that you and Hazard are together,” she said eventually, breaking the silence.
“Aren’t you supposed to be hauling us into your office and reprimanding us for fraternization?”
“According to the rule book I should. But I value a smoothly functioning team more than I do following each and every regulation.” She turned to the side to face him as she spoke. “You two are better when you’re together. You work well together training the privates and your team work out in the field is so good it’s like fucking magic. The vibes created by you two make our team as a whole better. Whatever you have with Hazard, I’d try damn hard to hold on to it.”
“Giving love advice, Major?”