Page 133 of Alpha Awakened
Hazard laughed and shook his head. “There’s nothing more dramatic on this earth. Once school ended, they sent me to east Texas to spend the summer with my dad’s brother and his wife. My uncle is a big omega too. And my aunt is an alpha in charge of running their family logging business. While I was there, I got to see their relationship dynamic. They’re both strong, take charge types. My uncle was in the Legion and is almost as tall as her. And she loves him. She’s proud of him and isn’t threatened by his strength at all.”
Ice could hear the fondness for the couple in Hazard’s voice. He clearly cared for them.
“Watching my aunt and uncle together helped me realize that I would find someone who wanted to be with me the way I naturally was. But what helped get over my heartbreak the most was my uncle taking me to spend time on base. That year was the first wave of omegas joining the Legion. I thought they were all amazing. Every one of them was as bad ass as any alpha or beta, no matter their size.”
Thanks to that trip, I learned to accept myself. I went back to school that fall, confident, secure in my body, and determined to join the Legion after graduation. Unfortunately, my ex’s buddies started up harassing me again. I ignored them for a few weeks. But one day I finally got fed up with them. I used some of the fighting techniques my uncle had taught me and kicked the ass of the biggest, most obnoxious alpha in the group. They left me alone after that.”
Ice nodded in approval at the use of violence to put a stop to the bullying. “And the ex?”
“He tried to get back with me. Said he was sorry and he wasn’t going to listen to them anymore. I told him to fuck off.”
“Good. He sounds like a weak, pansy motherfucker who didn’t deserve you.” Ice didn’t like that Hazard had been hurt, but he was proud of the kid he’d been standing up for himself.
Hazard snorted a laugh. “He didn’t.”
They grew quiet after that. Sitting in comfortable silence, they watched the sun sink below the horizon. Darkness reached them first, then spread across the town below. The moody purple of the sky eventually faded to black. Stars began to twinkle overhead and the last crickets of the year sang in the grass.
Ice caressed Hazard’s arm and brushed kisses over the softness of his hair while Hazard’s fingers played over his chest. As they cuddled, a sweet scent drifted up to his nose. Ice smiled to himself before he spoke.
“There is one thing you don’t have to teach me.”
Hazard hummed in question. “What’s that?”
Ice whispered his response against Hazard’s ear. “How to tell when you’re aroused.”
“I don’t?”
“Nope. It’s a natural skill. All I have to do is breathe you in. That special sweetness to your scent lets me know exactly what you want.”
“I’ll take it off the syllabus then.”
Ice laughed. Tucking a finger beneath Hazard’s chin, he tilted his head up to face him. “You ready to teach me about the making out part of this picnic?”
Hazard nodded. “Yes.”
Chapter 49
“Come here then.”
Ice pulled his lover over to straddle his lap then waited for him to begin his lesson.
“Step one. Touch me,” Dylan playfully instructed.
He put his hands on Dylan’s thighs, feeling the warmth and strength of the muscles beneath the fabric of the camo pants. He smoothed them up until he reached his firm, tight waist. Tugging Dylan’s T-shirt free of his pants, he slid his hands beneath to touch his skin. It was hot and smooth against his palms.
Ice smiled up at his gorgeous omega. “What’s step two?” he softly asked.
“Kiss me,” Dylan whispered the instruction as he leaned down to meet him.
Like the good soldier he was, Ice followed the order. One hand gripping the nape of his lover’s neck, the other arm banded across his waist, he pulled Dylan in close for a kiss. Their lips met softly, exploring as if this were their first kiss. When a tiny little moan came from Dylan, Ice deepened it, slowly licking into his mouth. As they kissed, Dylan started to roll his hips, brushing their cocks together with each pass.
Electric sparks licked up Ice’s spine at the contact and he started to harden in his pants. Deciding he wanted to be in a more comfortable position for this, he shifted around and rose up on his knees, lifting Dylan with him.
“What...?” Dylan started in surprise as he clung to his neck.
“Relax. I got you.”
He carefully laid Dylan down on the blankets. Once he was settled on his back, he began to undress him. First he pushed off his T-shirt. Then he removed his boots and socks. Last, he guided him to raise his hips so he could take off his pants. The omega was left in his tight white briefs. His erection pushed against the cotton, the tip leaving a dark wet spot on the material.