Page 137 of Alpha Awakened
Colonel Trent leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg, resting his ankle on his knee. He adjusted the sharp crease of his uniform pants so that it fell precisely down the center of his calf before he spoke. “You’ve done good work during your time with the 448, Captain Anderson.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“And it has been noted by your superior officers. Your record and the way you handled yourself during your recent capture are worth a commendation. And perhaps something more.”
“More, sir?”
“Yes.” Trent leaned forward in his chair. “We want to retain and reward exemplary soldiers like yourself. With that in mind, both a new post and a move up the ranks are on the table. The new post would have you taking on deep covert work. You’d go back to being a solo operator with a handler and transport. You’ll be based out of Florida for this position. Do that job well and another promotion will be in your very near future. How does that sound?”
Ice answered automatically. “It sounds excellent, sir. Would this go into effect in the next round of promotions?” Promotions were done on a twice-yearly basis in the Legion. The next round was next year in February.
“Actually, they want to get you started immediately. You’d have to leave the 448 and ship out by the end of the week.”
Something in Ice’s chest gave an unpleasant lurch. Leave his squad, leave Hazard by the end of the week? “That’s a fast turnaround.”
Trent raised an eyebrow. “You sound reluctant to accept this post. There isn’t anything holding you here is there?”
Ice didn’t have an answer to that question. He couldn’t very well say he didn’t want to leave his lover. That was an unacceptable reason for turning down a new post. And Colonel Trent would have him hauled off to the brig for fraternizing with an enlisted man. But the colonel partially guessed the reason for his hesitation.
“I understand, Captain. It can be hard to leave a team you’ve served with and that you’re loyal to. But that’s the nature of this beast we serve.”
Ice nodded. “It is.”
“But you’re still unsure.”
Ice nodded again.
“In that case, take some time and think about it. But not too much. I need a firm yay or nay by tomorrow end of day.”
“Will do, sir.”
Trent made to rise and Ice stood as well. He saluted as the colonel turned to go.
“End of day tomorrow, Captain,” he repeated on his way out the door.
Once Colonel Trent was gone, Ice stood there trying to absorb what just happened. He’d been offered an immediate promotion. With another all but promised as long as he did his job well. Those two bumps up the ranks would fast track him to his goal of becoming the first shifter soldier to receive a star on his chest. He’d be a lieutenant colonel after the two promotions and would only have one more to go before he reached Brigadier General — the first Legion star rank.
His goal was closer than it had ever been. But to get that first promotion, he’d have to leave Hazard and the rest of the 448 behind. Again he felt that unpleasant lurch in his chest. It was his Instinct, rejecting the idea of leaving Hazard.
Ice slowly sank back down into his chair. What the fuck was he going to do?
* * *
An hour after the colonel’s visit, Ice returned to the 448 barracks. He hadn’t finished his paperwork. The remaining files sat untouched in the center of his desk. Instead, he’d spent the time working out his decision. After going back and forth, he’d finally decided what he was going to do.
When he walked in, Hazard and Jax were in the kitchen good-naturedly arguing over which of the two Star Wars movies was best. They paused their discussion to greet him.
“Evening, Captain.”
Hey, Cap. How’d you do on those reports?”
“Fine.” Ice shortly answered Hazard’s question. He continued on before they could rope him into their conversation. “I need to talk to you.” He nodded toward his bedroom. “Alone.”
“Sure.” Hazard pushed off from his spot leaning against the fridge to exit the kitchen, leaving Jax with one final shot. “That reveal alone makes Empire Strikes Back the better movie.”
Jax shook his head in amusement but didn’t offer a counter argument in defense of A New Hope.
When Hazard reached him, Ice stepped to the side and let him go first into his room. Ice followed him inside, then closed the door for privacy. He didn’t go too far into the room, remaining near the door. Hazard turned to face him, curiosity in his expression.