Page 146 of Alpha Awakened
Ice looked over to Ortiz for an answer. She gave him a thumb’s up. “Banged up but alive thanks to you.”
“You’re amazing.” Ice leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Hazard’s lips. He started to pull back, but Hazard reached up and hooked his fingers into the front of his tac vest, holding him in place. His grip was surprisingly strong, considering the state he was in.
“If I’m amazing, I deserve a better kiss than that,” he said.
Ice had to laugh. “Brat,” he tenderly scolded before he leaned back down to give him a decidedly thorough kiss. It tasted of dust and sweat, but also of Hazard. And that was enough to make it the best kiss he’d ever had.
Chapter 55
Royce sat next to Hazard’s bed in the base hospital. It was late at night, far past visiting hours. He should be gone. And he would be if the nurses had their way. But when a nurse had come in to tell him visiting hours were over he’d hit her with a stone cold, silent glare. She’d huffed an affronted breath, but backed off and left him alone.
Now, he sat there watching Hazard sleep. His face was peaceful, the blanket over his chest rising and falling with his quiet, steady breaths. Ice didn’t know what he would have done if he’d found Hazard’s lifeless body in the rubble of that hotel. Thankfully, he’d made it out of the implosion relatively unscathed. Bruises, cuts, a sprained wrist. They’d treated him for dust inhalation. But nothing broken. No spinal injuries. And he was alive.
He wasn’t one for prayer. Didn’t even truly know how to pray. But he sent up a silent, heartfelt word of thanks that Hazard had survived the implosion.
Thank you, Mother Wolf.
A few minutes later, a quiet groan came from the bed. Ice sat up straight, instantly alert. Hazard’s eyelids fluttered before he opened his eyes. Ice leaned in close so he wouldn’t have to move to see him.
“Ice,” Hazard said when he turned his head and saw him sitting there.
“I’m here. Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“No. I’m fine.”
Noting that Hazard’s voice was dry and scratchy he poured him a cup of water from the plastic water pitcher on the bedside table. “Here, drink this.” He helped Hazard to sit up, then passed him the cup of water.
Hazar took it, sipping slowly. “What time is it?” he asked when he finished the water and passed the cup back.
“Three a.m.”
“You should be back in the barracks getting some sleep.”
“Negative. I’m not leaving your side.”
Hazard lay back against the pillows. He rolled his head to the side to look at Ice, a small smile on his tired face. “You sound like a man in love.”
Ice huffed a soft laugh. He hadn’t even thought the words but of course Hazard knew. “Because I am,” he said hoarsely.
Hazard didn’t say anything to that. He lay still on his thin hospital pillow, emotions and questions shimmering in his eyes.
Ice realized that even though they’d kissed out in the field, it was going to take a lot more than that and a half-assed love confession to make things right with Hazard.
“Dylan, when I thought I lost you, that you were gone, I realized I’d made the wrong decision. I want to be with you. We can talk about long distance and figure out how that will work if I accept the transfer to Florida. But honestly, I’d rather stay on the 448 with you.” The second he said he’d rather stay, a wave of relief and clarity swept over him. Hedidwant to stay with the 448. He wasn’t going to leave them to go to Florida as a solo operator.
“What about your promotion?”
“I admit that I want that rank. But I don’t have to be in a whipped-up hurry to get it. If the promotion only comes with the transfer to Florida, then I’ll pass. There’ll be other chances for advancement.”
Hazard narrowed his eyes. “Who said I wanted you to stay on the 448 after you dumped me?”
“Oh, fuck. I’m sorry, Dylan. I know I hurt you. But I want you to know it had nothing to do with you or your body. I love the way you look. Every muscle. Every scar. I love all of you.”
“Even my five o’clock shadow?”
Ice felt the tiniest amount of hope. If Hazard was teasing him, he must be close to forgiving him. He brushed his fingers over the dark stubble on Hazard’s cheek. “Yep. Even this.”