Page 27 of Alpha Awakened
Drink tickets in hand, they walked into the mess hall. It was packed with people.
The various rec rooms on base were too small to hold such a large crowd so the mess had been commandeered for the occasion. The entertainment committee had put in a lot of effort to transform the utilitarian room into a space fit for a celebration. Music played over the PA system, something from a rock band he didn’t recognize. Bunting and crepe paper garlands in green and gold draped over the doorways. A huge banner withHappy Anniversary US Legionprinted across it hung from the ceiling in the center of the room. Most of the dining tables had been removed. Tables cloths in an alternating pattern of green and gold covered the remaining tables, with a centerpiece of mini Legion flags and white flowers in the center of each one.
Game tables had been brought in — pool, foosball, and ping-pong. They all had groups of soldiers clustered around them, humans and shifters alike, playing or watching as they waited their turn. Privates — probably ones who’d drawn the short end of the stick — walked around with serving trays of popcorn, peanuts and hot dogs. On each side of the hall, makeshift bars had been set up to serve both soft and alcoholic drinks.
Ice didn’t usually attend these base wide celebrations. But when he’d looked at Hazard slouched in the chair, asking if he was going with those pretty green eyes focused directly on him, he’d found himself saying yes.
The four of them stayed together as they made their way to the bar to exchange the chits for their first round of drinks. After that, they began to separate. Ortiz moved off to speak with Captain Hayes. Jax was roped into showing off his ping-pong skills with his friend, Landon. That left Ice alone with Hazard. He looked excited, ready for a night of social activities.
“Want to stick together, Captain? I’m about to check out one of the pool games.”
Ice considered it, but after glancing at the rowdy games of pool taking place, decided to look for a calmer pursuit.
“I’ll play a couple of hands of Black Jack.”
“Okay. Win big for me,” Hazard said with a grin.
He took off one way, and Ice went in the other direction where several card games were underway. He picked a table that had four players and an empty chair.
“Can I join in?”
“Sure thing,” the soldier dealing the cards said. “Have a seat.”
“Welcome, Ice.”
“Good to see you, Captain.”
Ice politely returned the greetings as he settled in his seat. He’d worked with a couple of the soldiers at the tableon various missions before — Sergeant Raphael Jennings, a sniper known as Angel, and Bruce Hightower, a brusque gunnery sergeant with a take-no-prisoners rep. The group suited him. They weren’t loudly boasting about their war stories or inclined to much small talk. The game progressed with minimal conversation, chips quietly clinking whenever someone threw them on the table to place a bet.
Ice won a few rounds. The chips had no monetary value but it was a nice way to spend an hour. Once he had his fill playing, he said goodbye and left the game.
Scouting an empty table in a shadowed corner, he went to it and took a seat with his back to the wall. He stretched his feet out in front of him, nursing his beer as he watched the goings on of the celebration.
Through the crowd of people, he spied Hazard. He was in the middle of a pool game that looked to be more antics and showing off than anyone actually trying to win. The omega looked good, dressed in civvies — a pair of tight, faded blue jeans and a black short sleeve shirt. The gold of his skin was a pretty contrast against the dark material.
He looked away. But after a few minutes his eyes drifted back to Hazard. He’d leaned a hip on the pool table and was laughing at something someone in his group had said. Ice let his gaze trail down, lingering on the curve of Hazard’s ass in those tight jeans. Cursing under his breath, he pulled his gaze away yet again.
“It’s not easy to see unless you know what to look for.”
Only his training kept Ice from guiltily jumping at the sudden sound of his squadmate’s voice. “What’s not easy to see?”
Jax pulled out a chair and sat next to him. “That you’re watching Hazard.”
Ice took a sip of his beer, neither acknowledging or denying Jax’s observation.
“You know you could go over there and talk to him, right?”
“Don’t need to talk to him.”
Jax laughed. “Of course you don’tneedto. But you want to.”
“He looks fine talking to the friends he’s made.”
“Hazard is a friendly wolf. He likes to talk and people like to be around him. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t appreciate your company too.”
Ice took a final long swallow of his beer. He stood and pitched the empty bottle into a nearby trash can.
“I’m heading out.”