Page 4 of Alpha Awakened
“I am, sir,” Hazard said firmly.
Colonel Gibbs moved on. “We have an important person from the shifter community who has been abducted by Vengeful Claw, a fanatical shifter cell,” the colonel began. A picture flashed up on the screen of a young Black woman with short brown hair. “Councilor Doucette, the councilor for the Blood Valley pack, contacted the Legion when her daughter Jessica Doucette was taken. Blood Valley territory covers this region so we got the call. Ms. Doucette was grabbed leaving her aerobics studio and is being held at an abandoned warehouse in Kansas City.”
The aide clicked a remote and the screen advanced to show a picture of a five-story brick building. Some of the windows were busted out, and the parking lot surrounding it was cracked and choked with weeds.
“Do we know why she was taken?” the major asked.
“No. The abductors left their calling card but thus far no demands. But because of who she is, we’re working on the assumption that there is a political motivation behind the abduction. Your job is to get in, rescue the hostage, and gather any intel you can on this group. If the leader is on site capture them if possible. But everyone has authorization to kill. The hostage is your main priority. Any questions?”
Not a sound came from the team. “Major Ortiz will take over from here.” The colonel closed his folder and sat down.
Ortiz rose and walked to the front of the room to stand next to one of the in-wall monitors.
“Intel has her on the fourth floor.” The screen changed to show blue prints of the building they’d be entering. Ortiz used a laser to point out the area where the hostage was being held. “When we approach, Ice will take out the exterior guards. Once we’re inside the premises, he and Hazard will secure the package. Her family uses a code word so they know it’s safe to go with someone they don’t know. Hers is tuxedo cat. Make sure you give it when you find her. Jax and I will sniff out the leader and any intel that might be on site.”
His mind already shifting into battle mode, Hazard listened intently while looking over the blue print on the screen.
“Everyone clear on their role?”
“As a bell, Major,” Jax answered for them all.
“Okay then. Let’s go rescue the princess.”
Chapter 2
As they left headquarters, the setting sun cast an orange glow over the sprawling military base. Hazard looked around, taking everything in as they headed to the armory. Fort Grove was similar in design to many of the other bases he’d either been stationed at or visited. There were multiple blocks of barracks, various admin buildings, and training areas with PT centers.
After a short walk, they reached the armory. The space was neatly organized with rows of weapons secured in lockers, racks of armor, and shelves filled with ammunition. All of it was attended by the armorer, an older soldier with a sharp gaze and gun grease under his fingernails.
“This particular armory is for our use, along with two other special units stationed here,” Ortiz explained as they gathered their weapons.
Hazard nodded in understanding. It made sense for special teams to have a space separate from the general weapons storage for the rest of the Legions on base.
In the ready room, the three alphas applied blockers to their scent glands to mask their scents. Stealth was required for this mission, and they didn’t want Doucette’s captors to sniff out their arrival before they were ready to reveal themselves. Hazard’s blockers were already applied out of politeness for the close confines he’d been in on the transport truck.
He geared up with quick efficiency, pulling his armor-plated tactical vest over his head and buckling it around his waist. Hardshell knee and elbow pads went on as well, and he finished with a pair of leather gloves. His helmet he held on to. He’d put it on once they were en route.
Once everyone was geared up, they headed for the tarmac where a transport helicopter was waiting to fly them to the target. Hazard fell in step with Jax.
“What pack majora are you from?” Jax asked him in a lyrical New Orleans accent.
“I’m from the Wild Defiance in Texas.”
“Get out!” Jax said excitedly. “My grandfather is Wild Defiance. When he was young he went on a pack exchange full moon run in Coeur Amer — my home pack. He saw my grandmother and that was it. He mated her before the next full moon and they’ve been together ever since.”
“That makes us pack cousins. Nice,” Hazard said with a grin.
Jax grinned back, and they bumped their fists together before jogging up the ramp to enter the rear door of the big military helicopter. Hazard took a seat and quickly strapped in, ready for the flight. It would be a short one. Just under an hour from their base outside Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to Kansas City. The helicopter blades spun to life and moments later they were rising into the air.
* * *
The flight was uneventful, calm with no turbulence. Hazard spent the time talking to Jax, getting to know his new squadmate. Ortiz split her time between reviewing intel and joining in on their conversation. Ice sat on his own, not engaging with anyone.
“Five minutes to drop point,” the pilot said over the comms.
At her announcement, Ice unclipped his safety belt and stood. He held on to the hand strap hanging overhead, feet planted wide to maintain his balance.
Hazard was in his battle-ready head space, mind focused on the mission. But as he looked up at the captain, he was hit with a completely out of the blue tingle of attraction. It was odd to feel that way about someone when he couldn’t see anything but their eyes. And even those were shadowed. But Ice’s powerful build and the aura of strength and command that emanated from him had grabbed Hazard’s attention and wouldn’t let go. The alpha’s chest and shoulders were broad, easily carrying the weight of his fully equipped tac vest. And his long legs and thick thighs gave him the stance of a warrior.