Page 42 of Alpha Awakened
Chapter 15
October 1, 1982
Vaughn Inc. Headquarters
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Their time of inactivity was finally broken with a mission related to Carlos Cortez. Intel still hadn’t uncovered his grand plan, but they had ferreted out some of his associates — both public and secret. According to intel, a Mr. Rufus Vaughn was one of Cortez’s secret connections. Mr. Vaughn was the CEO of Vaughn, Inc, a company that sold all-natural heat and rut suppressants and other shifter aides. They didn’t know their exact relationship however. Although Lieutenant Colonel Gibbs had a hunch that Vaughn was funneling money to Cortez.
As a result, the 448 had been sent to obtain documents to prove that the two men had a connection. The mission was stealth, meaning no interaction with anyone on site and no kills. Their goal was to get in, get the info, and get back out without anyone knowing they’d been there.
In the dead of night, Ice quietly snuck up on the corporate offices for Vaughn Inc, a three-story blue glass building. Hazard was at his side. Jax had set up as overwatch some distance away, keeping an eye on the premises. The only one inside was a lone security guard, sitting at a desk in the lobby. Ortiz had shifted to her wolf form — a large, light brown wolf. She’d patrolledthe perimeter, sniffing and searching for any traps or alarms. A single, sharp yip was the sign that Ice and Hazard were good to infiltrate.
Ice picked the lock of the emergency exit door at the rear of the building. They slipped inside to what appeared to be an employee break room. Cautiously, Ice peered around the corner. There was no movement, no one coming to investigate. Taking the elevator would alert the security guard, so they proceed to the emergency stairwell.
Moving fast and silent, they went upstairs to the third level where the executive offices were located. Hazard was at his back, so close and in sync it was as if the other man was his shadow.
According to recon, Vaughn’s office was the last of the three doors on the left. Hazard opened the door and Ice went in first. There was no one inside.
“Clear,” he said in a low whisper.
At the all clear, they both clicked on their pen lights in preparation to search for any documents tying Vaughn to Cortez. They’d just approached the desk when Jax’s voice came over the comms.
“Head’s up, boys.”
They both went still to listen.
“You’ve got company coming. Vaughn is here.”
“Damnit, we haven’t started the search yet,” Hazard whispered back. “What the fuck is he doing here this late?”
“I don’t know but the security guard is about to lead him up to your floor.”
“We’ll hunker down until he leaves,” Ice said.
“Keep it stealth,” he reminded them.
Hazard clicked off his pen light. Ice did the same then raised a finger to signal for silence. He leaned in close to Hazard so that his lips were right up against his ear.
“Follow me.”
He led the way to a door on the back wall. He opened it, hoping it was somewhere they could hide. It was a closet filled with office supplies. The space was small, barely big enough for both of them to fit. They had to squeeze in close. Ice shut the door with a quietsnick.
Moments later, the office door opened and the light switched on. The closet door wasn’t flush in the frame, allowing light to creep in around the edges. That, along with the light coming in under the bottom of the door, kept them from being in complete darkness as they listened to what was happening in the office.
“I need to grab one thing and then I’ll be out of here.”
“Of course, Mr. Vaughn.”
They stood as still as stone as right outside their hiding space, footsteps moved across the room and a desk drawer opened.
Ice stared into Hazard’s eyes while they waited. It was too dim in the closet to see their color. But he found that he could picture their green-gold exactly. The air smelled of ink, dust, and paper. Ice wished he could smell Hazard instead. They were so close this would be the perfect opportunity to do so without being obvious. Unfortunately, the blockers Hazard wore hid his scent. Ice couldn’t smell but he could look.
He lowered his gaze down the line of Hazard’s nose to his lips. They were full, the dip of his Cupid’s bow a temptation that begged to be touched.