Page 52 of Alpha Awakened
Ice’s expression was hidden behind the mask. But a barely perceptible nod and the glint in his eyes let Hazard know that the alpha felt the same. After that silent communication, Hazardgot his mind back on business and turned back to the main conversation.
A few minutes later, all of the plans had been laid out. Grant picked up the map and rolled it up while his aide gathered the surveillance photos.
“We’ve got space for you in our general barracks,” Grant said to Ortiz. “My aide will show you the way. Rest up and eat. We go in six hours.”
The meeting over, Hazard joined the rest of the 448 to follow the aide from the room. As they walked, he naturally fell in step next to the captain. He was still curious to know what had prompted Ice to protest them being separated. Unfortunately, he couldn’t ask him such a personal question while they were surrounded by their fellow soldiers.
“Your nose is twitching, Corporal,” Ice said with a hint of amusement lacing his voice.
“I’m curious about something.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
Hazard grinned. “At least you named a predator animal this time. But don’t forget the other half of that saying. Satisfaction brought him back.”
After a short walk outside, they arrived at one of three barracks and proceeded inside. It was standard community housing for fresh enlistees. Clean. Brightly lit. Beds in double rows made with military precision. The aide went all the way to the end of the room.
“These four bunks are for you. I apologize for not giving you private accommodations, but our base is too small to have four rooms available for visitors.”
“This is fine,” Ortiz assured him.
“Yeah, we’re grateful it’s not a bed of leaves on a forest floor,” Jax joked.
The aide smiled in relief. “Good. Put your gear down and I’ll show you to the chow hall.”
Hazard put his bag down at the foot of one of the beds. He was hungry so he was looking forward to a meal. After that, it would be time to go to work.
Chapter 20
Ice waited in an attack boat, around the bend of a cove, hidden from view of the Petrov compound. With him was the team he’d been assigned to lead. One human woman, two male betas, and a female alpha. Plus, Hazard.
The advance team, dressed in ghillie suits covered with faux grass to make them indistinguishable from the physical environment, would move in first. Once they had the all clear that the advance team had taken the fifty calibers out of commission, Ice’s team would strike. They sat waiting — tense, ready for action. Suddenly, there was the deafening boom of two explosions, one right after the other. Ice stayed calm and still. That was the advance team’s attack on the compound’s entry gate. He knew what was coming next.
“Red team, green team you are both clear to proceed,” base command said over the communication link.
At Ice’s nod, the boat’s pilot started the motor. They sped out of the cove, moving so fast that they bounced over the surface of the bay. Frigid water sprayed, soaking everyone aboard. When they reached the island’s shore the team jumped out onto the bank, boots landing with a wet splash. They immediately took off running, quickly making their way to the mansion inside the compound.
Ice used his sledgehammer to breach the front door. They came under fire the moment they entered. His team didn’t hesitate to engage. Their goal was to sweep up all the high-levelmembers of Petrov’s inner circle. But in an environment like this, where everything was bullets and chaos, they’d have to take everyone into custody and sort them out later.
The home’s entryway was lavishly decorated in Russian opulence. A curving double staircase covered with red carpet, its banister gilded gold, soared to a wide landing above. And on that landing Petrov and one of his lieutenants were making their escape, surrounded by a crowd of guards.
“The target is above!” Ice shouted. “Eaton and Cole with me on the left. Hazard, Abara, Richards, take the right side and flank them!”
“Rog!” Hazard shouted back before carrying out his order. The team split and rushed up the two sides of the staircase.
When they reached the top, Eaton rushed ahead on his own. He was so eager to reach Petrov, he didn’t see the guard partially hidden in the hallway alcove.
“Get back!” Ice gripped the soldier by the collar and yanked him out of the way, right before the guard could smash a heavy bronze statue into Eaton’s face. Before Ice could get himself clear, the guard swung again, hitting Ice on the upper arm. The blow hurt but he didn’t let it slow him down. He took out the guard with two quick shots, one in the gut, one in the head.
“Stay behind me,” he ordered the over-eager soldier.
Eaton gave a shaky nod. “Yes, sir.”
Their two groups converged as they chased after the men desperately trying to escape. They followed them through the halls of the mansion and then outside onto a terrace courtyard. Petrov’s lieutenant peeled off and ran in a different direction, no doubt hoping he’d have a better chance if he separated from the main target.
“Hazard!” Ice pointed after the fleeing man, silently ordering his partner to go after him.