Page 70 of Alpha Awakened
They moved past the tree line onto a grassy area that led to the settlement.
They were still a good distance away when a group of ten adults emerged from the settlement to meet them. Most were in human form, but four wolves, big fuckers, were mixed in with the group. Ice eyed them, quickly assessing to see who was the biggest threat and where the attack would come from. A gray and white wolf tried to move off to the side as if he was getting into position to flank them.
Ice turned slightly to follow his movements. He didn’t fully raise his weapon, but he shifted it higher in his hold and curled his finger over the trigger. He’d drop the big gray before he could make a move. The wolf got the message and fell back in line with the others.
Their two groups paused with about an acre of distance between them.
In the center of the settlement group was a tall man, with the build of a lumberjack. Bald, with a thick red beard, he was dressed in a faded blue chambray shirt, neatly patched jeans and brown work boots. Ice assumed he was this pack’s alpha. Heconfirmed that assumption when he separated from the rest of the group and strode forward alone to close some of the gap.
“You’re trespassing on private property,” the man called out.
Ortiz walked forward as well, identifying herself as their leader. “I’m Major Ortiz of the US Legion. We’re not here for you, sir.”
“Then why are you here?” the man asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“We’re looking for someone.”
“Carlos Cortez. Have you seen him?”
“There’s no one here by that name.”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
The man smiled. “Yeah. I saw him. He came through here a few days ago but he’s not here any longer.”
“Where did he go?”
A single, bushy red eyebrow rose in question. “Why should I tell you?”
“We only want to talk to him,” Ortiz cooly replied.
“That’s how you go looking for a man you want to talk to?” He made a pointed glance at the rifle Ortiz carried. “Armed to the teeth?”
“When we suspect the person we want to talk to is dangerous? Absolutely.”
“Well, I can’t help you. Like I said. The man came through. We put him up for a few nights and he went on his way.”
The leader’s face was impassive. That didn’t mean he wasn’t lying. Remembering what Hazard said about most people not wearing blockers, Ice tried to read his scent. Unfortunately, he was too far away and there were too many other people for him to get a solid lock on it.
“You won’t mind if we do a quick search to pick up his scent to track.”
“I’m not letting you run through my camp with guns. I have to protect my people.”
“Understood,” Ortiz said with a nod. “Hazard.”
“Yes, Major?”
“Sniff him out.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Hazard stripped out of his gear and uniform. It took him awhile, since he wasn’t dressed in the uniform meant for a soldier who planned to shift. But he went as fast as he was able, while the rest of the 448 stood in a tense standoff with the compound wolves.
Once Hazard was naked, Ice caught a glimpse of the tan, muscled beauty of his human body before white light flashed and he shifted into his wolf form. His wolf was just as beautiful. Black fur with brown-gold on the tip of his tail and on his belly. His stature was in a similar vein to his human build — small but solid with muscle.
He turned his head to look at Ice. Ice met familiar green eyes, although now the golden flecks were more prominent. After that quick look, Hazard broke their eye contact and loped away to the encampment while Ice, Jax, and Ortiz stayed in position.