Page 9 of Alpha Awakened
Chapter 4
The next morning, Hazard awoke with the sun. Before turning into bed the previous night, Ortiz had informed him they would be going for a run before mission debrief. Hazard quickly showered, then dressed in a pair of camo pants, gray T-shirt, and his combat boots. After he applied scent blockers to the glands on his neck and wrist, he strapped on his watch, and was ready to go. When Hazard emerged from his room, the major and Ice were both in the kitchen.
Ice sat silently at the kitchen table, eating. His wolf mask was off, but he still wore the three-hole balaclava. Somehow, it wasn’t a surprise that the captain’s face was covered even in the relative privacy of their barracks. He wasn’t in the 448 uniform but his long sleeve, close fitting turtle neck and tactical pants were all black.
Ortiz looked fresh and ready to go. Dressed similarly to Hazard with her dark hair tucked beneath a patrol cap, she’d already finished breakfast, and stood leaning against the counter, sipping from a mug of coffee.
“Do we eat all of our meals here?” Hazard asked after greeting them both.
“We usually eat in the mess hall. But after a mission we eat here in our barracks for the peace and quiet. Gives us a little more time to decompress.”
“Ah, I understand. I’ll join you then.”
“Food is in the oven keeping warm.”
Hazard helped himself to a serving of eggs, toast, and sausage links. He got juice from the fridge, then sat down and tucked into his plate. Across from him, Ice was finishing up his meal. He couldn’t help but notice that the captain’s lips were full and pink. And the little skin he could see around them appeared to be pale. He dragged his gaze up from Ice’s mouth to see the man staring at him. Those deep, dark brown eyes were cold and hard.
Hazard offered him a smile. It wasn’t returned.
Ice picked up the wolf mask from where it sat on the kitchen table and settled it over his face, securing the straps at the back of his head. His body moving with quiet, powerful grace, he stood, taking his dishes to rinse off in the sink.
“I’m heading to the yard,” he said to Ortiz once he was done.
Ortiz nodded in acknowledgement. “See you soon.”
Hazard watched him go, neither surprised nor hurt when the big, quiet alpha didn’t acknowledge him before leaving. He couldn’t help but be intrigued at his aloofness.
A few minutes after Ice’s departure, Jax opened his bedroom door and stepped out. He was dressed in green Legion issued sweats, but he carried his boots in one hand while covering a long yawn with the other.
“Major. When are you going to start letting us sleep in after missions?” he asked tiredly.
Ortiz snorted. “That’ll happen the day I tuck you into bed at night with a mug of hot cocoa and your favorite Cabbage Patch doll.”
Jax laughed. “I won’t hold my breath on that.” He stretched, then sat down to eat.
Ortiz and Hazard chatted with Jax as he ate his breakfast. Once he was done and had put on his boots, the three of them left the barracks together. It was a humid, foggy morning. The sun was barely over the horizon and hidden behind thick clouds.The hustle and bustle on base seemed muted this early, as if those already awake wanted to maintain the peaceful quiet for a little while longer.
“Where’s Ice?” Jax asked as they walked.
“Already at the yard waiting on us.”
They rounded a corner and arrived where Ice waited for them. He stood in a patch of grass, a large, dark shape with gray mist swirling around his feet and the green of trees behind him. Still and quiet, he gave off aDon’t get closevibe. Of course, that stillness made Hazard want to bounce right up to him to tease and play. But he held himself back. He hadn’t established enough of a connection with the gruff officer to feel comfortable playing around with him. He wondered if he’d ever be that comfortable with Captain Ice Anderson. Especially considering their first interaction.
“We’ll go easy with a light jog today.”
“Sounds good, Major,” Hazard said.
“Let’s get to it.”
They took off for a jog around the base. Ortiz was in front, setting a steady pace. Ice followed just after and Hazard and Jax ran behind them, side by side. Hazard concentrated on his breathing. While he loved sprinting after an enemy or going on a wolf run, he didn’t like jogging for jogging’s sake. He could only see the back of the CO’s heads so he couldn’t tell if they liked the run. Jax appeared to be enjoying himself. The corporal ran with a loose-limbed stride, back and shoulders straight, expression relaxed.
“You’ve got good form,” Hazard complimented his teammate.
“Thanks. I ran track in high school. Won a couple of championships.”
“Nice,” Hazard said as they continued down the path. “The only medal for running I’d ever get is for running my mouth. That’s what my mom always says.”
Jax laughed. “I don’t think there’s a competition for that.”