Page 104 of Saving Grace
“Now you’re not fun at all,” he said conversationally as he removed the knife. My breath of relief was palpable, but my lungs seized when he slid a finger down the crack of my ass and stopped at my anus.
He grabbed a jar from the nightstand. What was that? His little drawer of kink?
“Don’t you dare get that anywhere near my ass!” I yelled at him.
He laughed with delight. “So fierce … even when you’re strung up.”
Ric caressed and squeezed the globes of my butt, I felt him prodding me even as I continued to struggle.
“Hush,” he commanded. “You’re only going to hurt yourself.”
Just when I was about to scream bloody murder, his phone lit up and went off like crazy. His weight lifted from me as he jumped off the bed to snatch his telematic device. He cursed and clenched his phone in his hand like he wanted to hurl it. He glared at me, fury etched in every line of his body.
“This is not possible,” he roared at me. “Do you have a tracker on you?”
“No,” I said as hope bloomed in my chest.
He stalked toward me and yanked my hair up. My neck snapped painfully because of my position.
“You think I’m giving you back to him? Foster?” his nostrils flared. “I’ll kill you first.”
Releasing my hair, he disappeared out of the room, leaving me splayed out, hands tied above me, and butt naked.
Outside the house where The Reaper was holding Grace, activity was brewing. The sun had almost set and dusk had brandished the lot in a golden purple light. Five Buckland County Sheriff vehicles quietly converged behind the tree line, one hundred yards before the property. Matt, Axe, Colt and Kate were in a large SUV behind Trent’s cruiser. Lucas had them send up the drone five minutes before, and what was revealed in the heat signature threw Matt into a fit of rage.
Colt and Axe struggled to hold him back. Trent was in front of them, doing his best to talk him down from the cliff.
“He’s in there raping her! Can’t you see that?” Matt roared. “What the fuck are we waiting for?”
“I can’t send my men in there blind,” Trent held out both hands to push against Matt’s shoulders to help the other two men subdue him. “I’ve read up about The Reaper. He’s a one-man army.”
“I know that!” Matt ground his molars. Grace was probably fighting for her life in there and she needed help right the fuck now.
“Sheriff,” one of Trent’s deputies called. “We’re ready to go in. There are no other signs of life on the property.”
“Any wires?”
“We found three cameras and have disabled them,” the deputy said. “Heat signature indicates perp knows we’re here. He’s moved out of the room and into the one near the entryway.”
“Spray him with bullets,” Matt growled. “You’re not thinking of even taking him alive, are you?”
Trent looked at Colt. “You got him?” Him meaning Matt.
“Fuck you, Stone,” Matt bared his teeth and tried to break free from the rancher who was probably one of the only men strong enough to hold him down. Well, he and Lucas, which was why he didn’t bring his brother. But with Axe in the mix … goddammit.
Kate, who Matt hadn’t noticed had disappeared, suddenly materialized beside them. “Trent, doesn’t this siege appear too easy?”
“It does,” Trent acknowledged grimly, looking at his tablet which was displaying results from the drone.
“Lucas said to keep an eye on the evergreens around the house,” Kate said. “No wires, but you never know, wireless technology and all that.”
“We need a sniper drone,” Trent muttered. All they had were the surveillance kind. “You guys stand back and let the Sheriff’s Department handle this, but if shit hits the fan, you have permission to engage.”
Matt raised a brow at this. There was precedence after all, but this was not Misty Grove.