Page 106 of Saving Grace
My head turned as hope flared once again in my chest. “Matt!” I would know that tall, shadowed form anywhere and it was barreling straight for us.
The Reaper aimed, but before he could fire, I knocked his arm up and the shot went wide. He emitted a frustrated sound and repositioned me so he had both my arms locked to my side, but I continued to fight him. He fired again and I heard a grunt, but before I could see exactly what happened, Matt was upon us.
He flew into Ric full force and brought all three of us to the ground. I rolled away from them and scuttled backwards. It was dark and all I could see were two figures grappling on the ground. I searched for a fallen gun and found one thrown a couple of feet away. I picked it up and aimed it at the fighting men, but I didn’t have a clear shot, not to mention the lighting was terrible.
Shouts came from the side of the house and I saw Colt and Trent leading the charge of deputies. I didn’t even realize the guns at the courtyard had stopped firing.
My peripheral vision caught a glint of metal and I knew that it was a knife, but I didn’t know who had it even though I was pretty sure it was The Reaper. I heard a strangled grunt and suddenly it was over. Matt pushed up from Ric who was lying flat on the ground. He backed away on unsteady legs and looked at me, breathing heavily. I didn’t think, but just ran into him full tilt.
He grunted and took a step back, but his strong arms crushed me.
“Gypsy,” he whispered. His voice was hoarse with emotion.
Activity swarmed around us, but at that moment there was only us.
I was back in the arms of the man I loved.
“This needs sutures.”
Matt glared at the EMT, looking at the damage the armor-piercing round did to the muscle on his side under his arm. He had several flesh wounds but one was a particularly deep gash that had bled profusely.
“I’m not going to the hospital,” Matt growled. “Can’t you just stitch me up?”
“We’re not allowed to do that,” the EMT protested.
“Are you giving the poor man a hard time?” Kate asked, walking up to the ambulance.
“Weren’t you supposed to stay with Grace?” Matt barked.
“She’s with Millie and Cassie, not to mention it’s Dr. Ryan who is examining her,” she informed him. “I think she’s covered. Grace actually sent me over here to make sure you don’t give the EMTs trouble.”
“Well, I’m done,” Matt announced, hopping down from the ambulance and ignoring the frustrated exhale of the paramedic who threw up his hands in surrender. It had been fortunate that Dr. Ryan had already planned a scheduled stop at Misty Grove to deliver the blood test results and rode with Millie and Cassie to get here.
“You’re still bleeding,” Kate pointedly looked at the gash the emergency response person was supposed to bandage. “I’m not sure you want Grace to see you like this.”
Matt stared dispassionately at his bleeding side and had an idea. He craned his neck to look for Trent and saw that he was busy directing his deputies. Cassie’s husband had been a trained medic with the Delta Force. Well, Colt would have to do. He strode to his SUV and grabbed a medical kit.
“Montgomery!” He yelled at Colt who was talking to Axe.
“What the hell are you doing?” Kate hissed.
Matt didn’t answer his twin but waited for Colt who approached him with a puzzled look on his face. He yanked up the bottom of his shirt and peered at the gash again. Fuck, it really did need stitches.
Without saying a word, Matt shoved the medical kit at Colt.
The rancher raised a brow. “You’re not serious.”
“Serious as fuck,” Matt retorted, walking toward the house that was currently being swept by CSI techs.
“There’s no anesthetic,” Colt pointed out, looking into the case while walking alongside him. Matt noted briefly that Kate was following quietly behind them.
He stared at the SEAL in irritation. “Plenty of antiseptic,” he muttered, entering the house and heading straight for the kitchen and spotted just what he was looking for.
A bottle of whisky. There were several bottles to choose from. Matt grabbed the Macallan Scotch aged eighteen years.