Page 28 of Saving Grace
Her childhood nicknames for me: Gracie and ladybug.
“I’m sorry for hanging up on you, Mom.” Emotions made it difficult to get those words out. My voice cracked which triggered all out weeping on the other end of the line.
“Tell me what’s wrong, ladybug?” Mom cried.
“I’m okay, really, Mom, just a little banged up.”
“I just talked to Elliot this morning and he said he had not heard from you.”
So, my mom was on first name basis with my boss.
“I haven’t called him yet.”
Mom was silent for a beat and then. “Why do I have this feeling you’re keeping something from me? I’ve been calling you for two days. I was pressing Elliot to put you on the list of missing, but he said to wait for another twenty-four hours. God, Grace, I was going crazy. How could you do this to me? Why didn’t you call me immediately?”
“Mom, I—”
“I’m sorry … I’m so sorry, sweetie.” Mom’s voice was garbled amidst her tears. “I was just so worried.”
I didn’t know what hurt worse. My head or my heart. The love for my mom was there, my chest felt like it would explode with it, but I couldn’t think of what to say without making her worry.
Matt took the phone from me and I didn’t offer any resistance.
“Mrs. Levinson? Matt Foster, a friend of Grace’s.” He paused. “She wasn’t able to call anyone because of the chaos that ensued after the airport attack.” He let my mom speak, curling his fingers into mine and kissing the back of my hand. My already tenuous emotions didn’t know how to handle his sweet gesture, but something inside me began to thaw. “She did have a few cuts and bruises, but I assure you she’s fine.”
His eyes met mine. He was taking the lie for me.
“It’s not a good idea to visit her right now as she’s not going back to DC anytime soon … she’ll be staying with me in Georgia for a while.”
Say what?Was this still a part of his lie?
Matt grinned into the phone as my mom apparently said something that would make sure any man in my life would treat me right. “Loud and clear, ma’am. I’ll treat her like crystal. Here’s Grace.”
“Gracie, you’ve never mentioned a special friend to me before.”
I rolled my eyes and glared at Matt who chuckled quietly beside me. “Mom, I’ll talk to you again soon, but I’ve gotta run.”
“Okay, sweetie, I hope you’ll have more time to talk next time.”
“I will.”
“Love you, ladybug.”
“Love you too, Mom.” And I hoped that was my usual response to her. I wasn’t certain yet, but it felt right.
Thumbing the phone off. I looked at Matt. We were still on the floor. “I don’t know about you, but my butt is getting sore.”
“It’s such a nice ass, too.” Matt smirked as he helped me up. “I talked to Holden.”
Surprised, I stared at him. “And?”
“He’s driving down from Atlanta tomorrow.”
“I thought he was based in DC.”