Page 44 of Saving Grace
When they were as far from everyone else as possible, Millie crossed her arms over her chest and split a penetrating gaze at him and Troy.
“I want both of you to be honest,” Millie said. “It’s no secret Matt slept with Grace. But did you, Troy?”
Troy frowned. “With all due respect, Millie, I don’t think it’s any of your business.”
“Oh, but Grace has made it my business because she’s not handling the news very well.”
“What news?” The moment the question left his mouth, there were two suspicions that crystallized in his head. Either Grace had an STD, which she couldn’t have gotten from him because he was clean, or … shit.
“Assuming both of you had sexual relations with her, did you use protection?”
“Fuck,” Matt whispered. Scenes from that night crashed through his mind. The shower. He didn’t use a condom when they were in the shower, but Grace said she was clean and was on birth control. In the heat of the moment, they’d both been careless. Matt had never gone without a condom before—only with her.
Troy looked shocked at the question, wheels turning in his head and had arrived at the same conclusions Matt had. “Oh, shit. But yes, of course I did.”
Red hazed Matt’s vision. He lunged at the biker.
“Liar,” Matt growled, gripping him by his cut. “You never had sex with her. Admit it, dammit!”
“What’s your problem?” Troy growled back. “You were the one who treated her like shit, she chose me …”
Matt never let him finish his sentence but clocked the other man on his jaw, sending him a couple of paces back.
People in the ER screamed. Troy’s crew started toward them, but the biker boss held his hand up. Roger looked at them in apprehension.
Matt glanced back at Millie who had a ghost of a smile on her face.
He swallowed hard. “She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”
I reeled from the news. I felt like the entire universe was laughing, and the joke was on me.
First, I was in a terrorist attack which caused amnesia, basically erasing everything I had known in my adult life.
Second, a Mexican cartel assassin admitted to having some complicated obsession for me.
And then this?
A bitter laugh escaped me. I didn’t even know who the father was. And worse, I got pregnant and I wasn’t even sure I enjoyed the process of getting pregnant. An inner voice told me that I did if the flashes of sweaty, entangled limbs were any gauge of how it happened. Still, because of the darkness of the memories, I didn’t have a clear picture of my partner.
But the shower. God, now was not the time for me to remember that erotic scene. Matt’s hard body against mine, his fingers deep in my pussy driving me wild. If that was just a preview of what sex with him was like … No. I needed to put those thoughts aside and think clearly.
I couldn’t even face Matt or Troy at that moment, and I was glad Millie offered to break the news to them because I had to know if it had been just them. Had I been the type to have random hook-ups?
It was ironic that my request for the birth control shot prompted the doctor to suggest blood work since I had no recollection of my medical history. I found birth control pills in my purse, but I didn’t think to continue them because I had missed a couple of them following my amnesia. The doctor said if I had had unprotected sex up to five days before my missed pill that would explain the pregnancy. My times with Matt and Troy fell within that time frame.
A nurse came in holding a clipboard. “The radiologist reviewed your MRI and all looked normal. You’re all cleared to go.”
Go where? I wanted to ask.
The nurse left again and I mulled my options. As I put my clothes back on, there was a rap on the door.