Page 59 of Saving Grace
Damn her. She was going to make him pull every piece of information out of her.
“Why the hell did you have to kiss him then?”
“Troy knew what happened between you and me,” she said. “I had a meeting with him that morning you left me at the motel to finalize the details for our op on Monday. Let’s just say I wasn’t in my best frame of mind.”
“If only I could have done things differently, Grace,” he said with every shard of remorse he was feeling.
“What is done is done,” she shrugged. “He suggested using him in any way I wanted to get my pride back.”
“HE WHAT?” Matt exploded.
“Troy is very generous and a very attractive man,” her mouth twitched as Matt swore under his breath. “But, unfortunately, he’s not my type.”
“Thank fuck,” he muttered. “I still don’t understand why you kissed him.”
Grace laughed. “He was convinced I was just bruised from your rejection, and, given time, I would’ve realized he is very much my type.”
“Over my dead body.”
“I was curious if he was right,” Grace said bemusedly, and her eyes lost focus for a moment. She better not be thinking of Troy and his outrageous proposition. “So, I told him if we ever crossed paths again, the first thing I would do is kiss him and see if he was right.”
“Obviously, I’m still very much your only type,” Matt declared arrogantly.
“You are so full of yourself.” Grace shook her head in exasperation.
“Why didn’t you come back to me when I asked you in Millie’s office?”
Grace lips curled sardonically. “Did I seem pathetic to you then, Matt? Did you think one orgasm would erase the way you humiliated me when you practically ran out of that motel?”
“I apologized for that.”
“And let’s not forget your hateful words at the Roadhouse.”
“Grace, I—”
“Yes, you apologized, but ‘sloppy seconds’ weren’t words I can simply forgive overnight.”
“Do you forgive me now?” Matt asked, trying not to grind his molars.
“After everything you’ve done for me these past few weeks”—Grace raised and lowered her right arm in a gesture of light exasperation—“it would be petty of me to hold a grudge against your prior jerkish behavior—”
He took quick steps and yanked her into his arms.
“—hey!” She yelped as he cleaved her body to his.
“I hate that you’re standing so far away from me while we’re having this enlightening conversation,” he drawled.
“Well, I’m uncomfortable being this close to you while you’re interrogating me.” She tried to arch away from him but that had the opposite effect of what she had intended.
“Oh, babe,” he groaned. “You haven’t had a taste of my method of interrogation yet.”
He was pleased to hear her breath catch, and the way her curves molded to his body flamed his already overheated flesh. His hardening cock reacted quite enthusiastically to the press against her belly.
“This is not some freaking foreplay,” Grace scowled at him as she obviously felt his erection.
“You’re sure about that, gypsy?” Matt chuckled. Having her back in his arms quelled his earlier agitation.
“Let me go,” she snapped as she pushed against his chest.