Page 78 of Saving Grace
A sense of ownership, responsibility, and most of all, love—yes, love—swept through him. He was in love with Grace.
“Shh … I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly. He stood up and quickly removed his jeans and shirt. He somehow maneuvered Grace under the covers and climbed back into bed with her.
Decisions needed to be made tomorrow. He was determined more than ever to tie her to him, but for now it was enough that she was snuggled close to him. There was nothing else that felt more right in this world.
I stared at the brilliant-cut diamond engagement ring set in a platinum band. Little micropavé stones surrounded the 3-carat center rock. For someone who didn’t do hearts and flowers, Matt surprised me.
Did he propose?
I woke up wearing the ring on my finger. Kate wasn’t his only business in Atlanta the day before. He actually went ring shopping with his sister.I should’ve been mad at him, feel cheated of a proposal every woman dreamed of, but I was anything but traditional. Instead, something warm and tender bloomed in my heart. Matt was uncomfortable with the whole engagement ring thing. I sensed it when I awakened to him staring at me.
“That’s creepy,” I muttered. “Watching me while I sleep.”
“I could watch you sleep for hours,” he whispered. “You’re so beautiful.”
I grinned. “Matt, I didn’t take you for a romantic.”
He smirked. “Good. Then you wouldn’t mind that we got engaged while you were sleeping.”
It was then I felt the weight on my hand. The large rock on my finger blinked at me, and I, in my confusion, blinked back dumbly.
“Uh, what’s this?” I asked.
“We’re getting married next week,” Matt informed me. “Kate asked me to wait until she gets here. I hope that’s okay.”
Shaking the cobwebs of sleep from my head, I scooted back and sat up. “Back up. I haven’t had coffee. How can it be okay when I haven’t agreed to marry you?”
“We applied for a marriage license,” Matt reminded me.
“You blackmailed me!”
“Would you be more agreeable if I got down on one knee and proposed?”
“Then what’s the fucking problem?”
Was it a crime to strangle one’s future husband?
Husband? Huh?
Had my mind married me to him already? There was no problem. I think that was why I was panicking.
“I don’t appreciate being bullied,” I griped instead.
“You’ll get used to it,” Matt said, kissing me on my brow.
“What? Your sneak attacks in the morning?”
“You’re so cute when you’re riled up, babe,” he grinned. “Makes me want to hang around and fuck you, but I’ve got shit to do.” His eyes crinkled at the corners. “You’re pissed. Your eyes look like they could kill me. I’ll give you as many orgasms as you want when I get back.”
He got up from the bed and started to walk away.