Page 81 of Saving Grace
He stood back as his wife was welcomed into his family. By family, he meant his siblings and the folks of Misty Grove who’d been with him from the beginning. It was a close-knit and small gathering.
Millie and her people from the diner were here because they did their catering around the whole hog Mac had roasted. John, who officiated the ceremony, and his employees from the general store completed the party. And the guys from the garage and the ranch were here as well.
Troy and his biker gang were not invited. He didn’t want this moment fraught with awkwardness. He was certain the biker boss was going to be suspicious because he considered himself Grace’s friend. As far as Matt was concerned, he could be suspicious all he wanted, because he and his wife were leaving immediately after the festivities.
He sensed Kate beside him.
“I never thought I’d see the day my brother would fall for the marriage trap,” Kate said with a smile in her voice. He looked at the blonde beside him. If people saw them side-by-side, they’d be surprised to know that they were twins because Matt and Kate looked nothing alike.
“FYI, I did the trapping,” Matt replied. “And maybe if you’d stuck around here, you wouldn’t be so surprised.”
“Hey, none of that now,” she chided as she tucked her arm in his. “It’s a happy occasion. We’ll butt heads later … well, when you guys get back.”
“Have you talked to Colt?”
He felt his twin stiffen. “I’m trying to avoid him for now.”
“What? By hiding out at Cassie’s house? They’re newlyweds, Kate, you should either find a place of your own or stay at the ranch where there’s plenty of room.”
“I didn’t figure you to be a matchmaker. And thanks for hinting that I can’t stay with you,” she teased.
“Seriously, you and Colt need to get your shit together.”
“There’s no shit to get together because there never was anything between us.”
“Then talk to him. Don’t leave him hanging, sis. He needs to move on.”
“From what I’ve heard from Cassie he had no problem doing that.”
“Is that why you suddenly came back?”
“I didn’t suddenly come back,” Kate retorted. “My brother was getting married. He convinced me to move here, and yet, he wouldn’t let me stay with him.” She smirked when she saw the guilt on Matt’s face.
“Oh, don’t feel guilty.” She nudged him teasingly. “I totally understand. I’m moving into the Timberline apartments for now.”
“I doubt Colt will let you.”
“Colt doesn’t have a say in this.”
“My dear sister, you’re one of the toughest women I know, but Montgomery is eyeing you like prey right now. I doubt you’ll stand a chance.” Matt looked over to where the former SEAL stood and, indeed, he was watching Kate like a hawk. He laughed. “Is that why you’re sticking close to me right now?”
“Of course not!” Kate denied, but the pitch in her voice gave her away. Montgomery was making his sister nervous. Matt would normally be protective of her, but, like him, she needed to have a stick taken out of her ass. And he wasn’t going to do it for her.
“I’m going to talk to Millie,” she muttered.
“Run off, little Kate,” Matt called after her.
“Hey, I’m older than you,” she threw over her shoulder. He shook his head as he watched her take the long route around the room to get to Millie so she could avoid Colt. What was this—high school? Matt inwardly snorted. They never went to high school or experienced any social setting that could have helped them handle a simple relationship. Maybe that was why they floundered when emotions came into play, and why he had nearly fucked up with Grace.
After about another hour and just before dinner, Grace finally made it to his side.
“Sorry, I abandoned you,” she said, laughing. “Your family is crazy, especially when Millie and Cassie go at it.”
Matt chuckled. “Glad they’re not scaring you off yet.”
“Nah, they’re different and sometimes I get unsettled by their dark sense of humor, but I guess it’s because of what they’ve seen and gone through.”
The life of an assassin, she meant.