Page 89 of Saving Grace
“Hell no,” Troy growled. “If you have the memory stick in your possession … Damn it, Grace, we had a deal!” The biker slammed his palm on the desk sending Matt to his feet—anger written all over my husband’s face.
“You.” He speared Troy with a menacing glare. “Do not fucking speak to my wife that way.”
The biker’s jaw tightened, then he cracked his neck as if to relieve tension. “My apologies.”Then through gritted teeth, he continued. “But would someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” His voice rose with each word.
“I remember everything, Troy.”
“Fuck,” the biker swore softly. “I figured as much. The accountant?”
“Escobar is dead,” I stated flatly, and judging from the way Troy closed his eyes and lowered his head, I was almost a hundred percent sure he did not betray me.
“What happened?”
I recounted the events of that day—how we were intercepted at the Jericho Airlines counter when all hell broke loose.
“You think I sold you out?” Troy asked calmly.
“That was my first conclusion,” I acknowledged. “I’m not so sure now.”
“That’s why you guys ran.”
“We did not run,” Matt interjected. “We got married and went on our honeymoon.”
“Some short honeymoon,” Troy snorted. “Grace, you really should have picked me.”
“I wouldn’t push it, deLamar,” Matt warned softly. “I’m psychotic when it comes to my wife.”
Troy’s smile turned wolfish. “Consider myself warned. Now, where’s the memory stick?”
“I have it,” Grace confirmed. “Our deal didn’t include you looking through it, but you can be assured you’ve been taken off the list.”
“And I’m supposed to take your word for it?” Troy asked with a brow raised.
“Yes,” Matt said. “Now you’ll go back to your compound and find out who sold us out.”
“We can do it right now,” Troy responded, standing up. “You’re forgetting two of my men lost their lives as well.”
“We think it’s Cristiano,” Matt announced our suspicions.
Troy froze, then he swore viciously. “It’s possible, but he’s been with me for years. I don’t see him betraying his brothers and getting them killed.”
“Money will do that to you,” Roger spoke for the first time. “You didn’t see him when he showed up, Troy. He was not the stoic Cristiano that we’ve always known. He lost it when I refused to tell him where Matt and Grace were.”
“He was biding his time,” Matt concluded thoughtfully. “The question is, where does his loyalty lie? The present cartel leadership or Hector Vargas.”
“I’m going to find out right now.”
“I’ll go with you,” Matt offered.
“No. My men, my problem.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Matt said incredulously. “If it’s Cristiano, I want first dibs in kicking his ass for what he did to Roger.”
“And you’ll get it,” Troy said. “But right now, I need you to stand back.”
The two men locked eyes for a while. I was afraid Matt was going to force the issue, but he nodded slightly, every line of his body indicating how hard this was for him.
Roger and I exhaled in relief.