Page 109 of Captive Lies
“Would Blaire have mentioned it to Andy in passing?” Sully asked. “We couldn’t access both their cell phonerecords.”
Grant smiled grimly. “Blaire’s phone is secured, but no, I don’t know if she’s mentioned it to that son of abitch.”
“It doesn’t matter. Spencer would be aware of this serum and could use a specialized tracking wand to confirm it’s active,” Viktorreplied.
He was about to ask another question when Tyler cut in to ask if he should park on the street or the garage. Grant instructed him to go directly to the basement. Parking in their designated area, Blaire’s signal still had notresurfaced.
“We need to split up,” Viktor said. “Sully, go with Tyler. Mr. Thorne, hand Tyler the tracking device. Let’s go to yourpenthouse.”
Grant got into the elevator with his dad and Viktor. He swiped his keycard and punched the level for the penthouse. It was the slowest elevator ride in his life. The car stopped at the lobby and Grant wanted to smash his fist into the elevator panel. A person who was coming in from a morning run was about to hop on, but he blocked theman.
Grant glared at the runner. “Take the next one,” he snarled and repeatedly punched the arrow buttons to close thedoors.
The senator stared at the floor and shook his head. Viktor cleared his throat. Grant stared ahead at the lit elevator numbers willing them to ascend faster. His mind raced with a thousand questions, but couldn’t find the words to voice a coherent one. When they reached the penthouse level, Grant re-swiped his access card to open the doors. He stepped out first, cursing when he saw one of the bodyguards sprawled at the foyer. He refused to be paralyzed by fear. Blaire needed him to be stronger than ever. He bent over and felt for a pulse while Viktor and his dad went to check on Jake and his third man. His bodyguard was alive. He left everyone to check the rooms even if his instincts screamed at him that Blaire was gone. He returned to the kitchen where his father methim.
“We need to call for an ambulance,” the senatorsaid.
“No,” Viktor said. “The AGS is involved now and we want to keep this under the radar if possible. I’m sure Spencer and his cronies are monitoring first responder channels. I’ll get someonehere.”
Grant watched Viktor call that someone on his smartphone. He remembered his father mentioning how the CIA couldn’t operate in the homeland without local law enforcement taking the lead. As the AGS boss made arrangements for medical service to be brought in, Sully and Tyler emerged from the elevators. His bodyguard shook his head to indicate that they hadn’t found anything, while Sully approachedViktor.
“You trust them?” Grant nodded to the two men while helping his dad transfer Jake to the couch. The AGS guys were standing at the edge of the living room by the picture window, presumably to stay out ofearshot.
“They’re the best, son,” the senator confirmed. “If anyone could get Val and Blaire back it’s AGS. If they think it’s hopeless, we’re screwed.” His father searched his face. “How are you holdingup?”
“Hanging on,” Grant admitted. “I can’t afford to lose my shit now.” He looked at Viktor and Sully again. “I want to be in on every opportunity to find Blaire and Val. I’m not letting anyone tell me Ican’t.”
“You and I are too close to this,” the senator said. “We need to let them take thelead.”
“And they will,” he agreed. “But I’m not going to be idly standing by waiting fornews.”
“What happened in Miami, Grant?” his father asked suddenly. He never told the senator that he’d shot and killed someone to save Blaire, but he admitted his and his crew’s part in the Orlov takedown to the feds assigned by the DOJ to handle the ROCcase.
“The good guys won, Dad,” Grant statedsimply.
And they were going to winagain.
* * *
Viktor’s EMTs arrived.Grant learned that the AGS top man had contacts in most of the major cities when certain services were required. Much like what happened to Drew, his men had suffered mild concussions from their falls and needed to be given an intravenous solution to counteract the effects of thetranquilizer.
Grant went to his office and started loading cartridges into the magazines of his Sigs. Sully walked in and surveyed the arsenal on hisdesk.
“Looks like you’re preparing forwar.”
“I want to be ready,” hemuttered.
“You can’t come with us when the timecomes.”
He looked up and fixed the other man with a raptor stare. “You think you can stopme?”
“You don’t want to get in the way. When we get a lock on Blaire’s position, it’ll be a quick surgical mission. In and out. That’s what wedo.”
A muscle ticked at his jaw. Grant lowered the bullets and the magazine. His hands were shaking from cold rage. “They took her from me, Sully. I want to kill every last one ofthem.”
Sully sighed and perched at the edge of his desk. “Believe me, man. I know exactly how youfeel.”
Grant’s brows furrowed and he lifted his gaze to see a haunted look cross Sully’s face. The man wasn’t lying; he’d been through thisbefore.