Page 47 of Captive Lies
“Photos, voice recordings, and some videos,” I said. “A witnesslist.”
“Okay, that’s a start,” Gus said. “But what of the other evidence, Blaire? The physical evidence that a forensic lab can process? Without that, photos and recordings are not much to workwith.”
Of course you’d expect a lawyer to always think like a lawyer in evidentiary support. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to mention the self-storage unityet.
“There’s a storage unit …” my voice trailed off. Grant’s hands dropped from myshoulders.
“You didn’t mention that to me,” he statedflatly.
“It didn’t come up,” I offered. It was a lame excuse, but that was a big piece of what the ROC was after, their history of crime and violence was stored in an eight by ten space in an industrial lot inMiami.
“So, where is it?” Gusasked.
My lips thinned. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you right now.” Liam and I didn’t know the exact location either, but he was working onit.
There was a smug look on Gus’s face. “Grant, I thought you and Blaire were on the same page. What else has she not toldyou?”
I couldn’t look at Grant, but I wasn’t even sure he could look at me right now and I was right. He moved to the window of his father’s office, probably to stare outside and contemplate his woman who was full ofsecrets.
“Come on, guys,” Andy said. “The poor girl has been on the run for two years. She grew up with the Russian mafia, where it’s ingrained at an early age that discussing mob business gets youkilled.”
I was startled to find an unlikely ally in Andy. With the way Gus turned to glare at his protégé, I was afraid he was going to get himselffired.
I quirked a smile at Andy, barely controlling the urge to grin broadly. He winked at me as if saying, “I got you,girl.”
Grant was instantly at my side, but I refused to look at him. As much as I understood where he was coming from, I felt he abandoned me when I needed his support, and it had taken someone I barely knew to give me what he shouldhave.
“When did you suddenly become an expert in the mob, Spencer?” Gusdemanded.
“The Godfather and Sopranos,” Andy said,deadpan.
“I don’t believe this,” Grant growled. “You got this clown as my father’s political strategist?” He was looking atGus.
I wanted to smack Grant upside the head. I wanted to yell at him that at least Andy—a total stranger—stood up for me. I was about to get out of my chair and give Grant a good talking to when the senatorintervened.
“Grant, Gus. Both of you, stand down,” Marcus ordered. “I can’t believe that you two couldn’t see what was happening here.” The senator shook his head. “Andy is right, we can’t expect Blaire to tell us everything. I know enough about ‘need to know’ working the Intelligence Committee.” He looked at Andy. “Well played, myman.”
Grant shot his father an incredulous look. His father returned his scowl and said, “I’m disappointed in you, son, but that’s conversation for another day.” Then the senator’s eyes landed on me. “Blaire, I’ll respect your wish to keep some of your knowledge private. I presume it’s to protect someone involved, but the sooner we address the threat to you, the better I’d feel about my family’ssecurity.”
“Understood, sir,” Isaid.
The meeting broke up soon afterthat.
Grant and I walked out of that room with a wall between us. It was as if we’d withdrawn to our own corners. The drive home was quiet. He was brooding; I was still smarting from his perceived desertion. When we entered the brownstone, he went directly to the bar and poured himself a drink, then headed to his office and shut the door. I gave him time to stew at whatever it was I did that made him angry. I did not regret omitting the storage unit from my initial interview with Jake Donovan because Liam was on the trail of the person who had access to it and it would be a disaster to have another party involved. After I completed my nightly rituals and Grant had not shown up for bed yet, I decided enough wasenough.
I marched directly to his office and flung open the door. His scowl did nothing to faze me; I stepped up right to his desk. “I find a lot of things attractive about you but sulking is not one ofthem.”
“I have nothing to say to you right now,Blaire.”
“Is this about the storageunit?”
“No, it’s about you keeping things from me that could hurt my family,” Grant replied levelly. “I know you’re only trying to protect Liam, but how long will you prioritize him over me,Blaire?”
“It’s not about who’s more important!” I yelled. “It’s more about doing the rightthing.”
Grant shook his head in disgust. “Keep telling yourself that,honey.”
Somehow the endearment sounded like an insult and I realized we weren’t going to be dissuaded in our beliefs. I got him—I really did—but it wasn’t thatsimple.