Page 80 of Captive Lies
As soon as the door closed, his intercom buzzed again. “Jake Donovan here to seeyou.”
His head of security entered with long, easy strides. Grant had increased pressure on his investigative division and Jake Donovan in the past month to do thorough background checks on his father’s associates and especially his security. The senator didn’t knowthis.
“By the look on your face, you have something for me,” Grantobserved.
Jake gave a brief nod. “Nothing on the senator’s personnel. Everyone’s got a clean record. We do have a lead on the explosivedevice.”
“Gazinef Holdings mines the triptinum ore. It’s a subsidiary ofYGE.”
“You’re fucking kidding me,” Grant rasped. “Yashkin Global Enterprises ownsGazinef?”
“Yes. There are several companies that make the explosive device, but the blast didn’t leave any signature as to whom the bomb maker was. Our only link right now is YGE, which makes me wonder if this isn’t partly about your recent face-off on the Galleriadeal.”
“The Russian oligarchs do have strong links with the Russian mafia. Have you found any communication between Yashkin and theROC?”
Jake shook his head. “Not through regular channels. I’m looking into his associates. I don’t think he’d do his own dirtywork.”
“This troubles me,” Grant said. “I just announced to the whole world that Blaire and I are together again.” The picture of he and Blaire hit the tabloid news sites immediately after their lunch that day. “Rafe just informed me that Yashkin is giving him heartburn. What if he’d found a way to go after Blaireagain?”
“We’re speculating right now. Everything is circumstantial,” Jake cautioned and then heaved a sigh. “I’ve uncovered another piece of information that I think might piss youoff.”
“The paparazzi who hounded you and Ms. Peterson and took those pictures that were posted on the Tattler website? The tip came from Senator Thorne’soffice.”
“Lynch,” Grant growled. “How did you find this out?” Gus was a source of friction between the senator and Grant since Blaire’s abduction. He wanted the man fired, but his dad and his political strategist had over twenty years of history. Although Lynch had been severely reprimanded, the senator had no intention of firing hisaide.
“Phone records,” Jake paused. “There are some phone calls from Lynch’s phone to Russia, but they were telephone numbers of people working on the senator’s legitimateprojects.”
Grant walked over to his chair and sunk into it. “Lynch is going to blow a gasket when he sees me and Blaire on the web. Blaire’s association with the ROC is in the DOJ file. That’s going to come out when each one of those assholes go to trial. We’ll just have to weather public opinion.” She and the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshals Service discussed witness protection, but Blaire told them she was done hiding and all the evidence was with the Justice Department anyway. Grant had pulled the U.S. Attorney aside and vowed to protect her with everything hehad.
“How do you want me to proceed?” Jakeasked.
“Narrow down the list of bomb makers. See if any of them would have been in contact with Yashkin or the ROC lately. Continue to search for a link between Orlov and Yashkin.” Grant paused, rubbing a finger across his mouth contemplatively. “Also, Yashkin andLynch.”
Grant nodded. “Lynch wants Blaire out of the picture; Orlov wanted Blaire. Yashkin may or may not have a grudge against me. The Galleria deal wasn’t the first time our companies have clashed. Lynch is our inside guy; Yashkin provides the bomb. By that time, Lynch’s tabloid ruse already had Blaire doubting our relationship. Though I can’t believe Lynch would put Mom in danger, he did jump at the chance to paint Blaire as the problem. The men who abducted her could have been either Yashkin orOrlov’s.”
“Blaire out of the picture serves Lynch’s purpose, but what does Yashkin get out ofthis?”
“I’m not sure. My guess? He needs something fromOrlov.”
“With Orlov dead and most of the ROC in disarray, I guess he’s the loser inthis.”
Grant smiled grimly. “And from experience, he’s not very good atlosing.”
“Should we re-evaluate our securitydetail?”
Blaire was going to hate having more men on her, but Grant didn’t want to keep her a prisoner in his penthouse either. He’d make damned sure she’d have a normal life as much as possible. Her eyes lit up when he told her she’d be helping in setting up the exhibit. “She’s going to be assisting Jeffrey Hawkins with his gallery. I want a man on every exit and inside the gallery with her. I want you to start interviewing additionalbodyguards.”
“Good idea,” Jake said. “Are you going to be explaining the increase in security toher?”
“She’s probably gonna say I’m overreacting,” Grant sighed. “Am I,Jake?”
“With all the evidence being circumstantial? I’d say yes,sir.”