Page 83 of Captive Lies
“Let’s put it this way, Blaire. You’re my representative. Those paintings are mine for the time being unless someone files a legitimate claim,” Grant said. “I made it clear to Hawkins that if he says or does anything to make you unhappy, I’m pulling the artwork from hisgallery.”
A distressed look must have crossed my face because Grant’s expression softened. “Blaire, I know you don’t see this side of me, but I need you to understand that I would do anything to make youhappy.”
“Yes, but it’s making me look like a high-maintenance bitch that has to have all her whims catered to,” I protested. I didn’t want someone being nice to me because he was scared ofGrant.
A corner of his mouth kicked up. “High-maintenance, yes.” At my glare, he added. “Bitch, never. Look, consider this part of mycourtship.”
“This is becoming one expensive courtship,” Imuttered.
Grant was already at the door, his hand resting on the knob. “What was that they said? Go big or gohome?”
I rolled my eyes as he chuckled and left theroom.
* * *
Willthey or won’tthey?
Billionaire Grant Thorne seen cozying up to Blaire Callahan at a popular SoHo Brasserie. The pair appears to be smitten with each other and the reports of physical abuse from a few weeks ago seem to be unfounded. Also, it seems Ms. Callahan has completely forgiven Thorne for his brief affair with his ex Kylie Peterson, rumored to be the reason for their breakup. Is another confirmed bachelor off the market? There are also emerging rumors about Ms. Callahan’s background that she’s the secret lovechild of the mob boss of the most powerful Bratva in Russia. Senator Thorne’s office has no comment as of this time, but our sources say the relationship is causing heartburn for the people running Thorne’s reelection bid as well as any future plans for the WhiteHouse.
“Where do they dig up this garbage?” I muttered into my phone. “Now, I’m a mafiaprincess?”
“You’re definitely causing us heartburn,” Andy chuckled. He and I texted everyday and called each other when there was random news or development in the senator’s affairs correlated to my former association with the ROC. “I thought I’d need to give Gus CPR thismorning.”
“How’s the senator takingit?”
“He was troubled. I think he’s going to talk to Grant this morning to address those rumors. Grant is not accepting any of Gus’ calls from what I’veheard.”
“It’s not up to Grant. It’s up to theDOJ.”
“Do they think the remnants of the ROC will come afteryou?”
“I’m not a witness for the prosecution in any of the cases. The list of potential witnesses is on a flash drive and the FBI is working on it.” I was a safe keeper of the evidence. It was up to forensics, the judge, and the U.S. Attorney to admit or reject any evidence. “Besides, I have enough bodyguards as itis.”
Tyler’s eyes met mine in the rear-view mirror and crinkled. I was informed this morning that Grant would be expanding my security detail from three to six. Really? Jake was interviewing the new crewtoday.
Of course, Grant had been rushing out the door this morning and left poor Tyler to explain to me that there might be a Russian oligarch working with Orlov who had a beef against Grant or Thorne Industries. This information nagged at me, but I couldn’t put my finger onwhy.
“Ha, you sure do. The office got the memo from Grant last night. His dad is grumbling that his son had more enemies than he does,” Andy sighed. “Val is gonna hatethis.”
“So how are things going between you and Val?” As much as I disliked Grant’s sister, Andy didn’t share the same sentiment, so here I was being a goodfriend.
“Our second date went well,” he said. “I think she finally believes I’m not interested in her just to keep her out oftrouble.”
“I don’t think the Senator would dothat.”
“No, but you’re forgetting who I reportto.”
“And are you, Andy?” I asked. “Did Gus put you up tothis?”
“Of course not,” he said, offended. “You’re forgetting I was your only ally in that office when Gus and your boyfriend ganged up onyou.”
Old resentments sparked inside me. How could I forget that meeting that started my distrust in Grant? “I’m sorry, Andy. You’re right. However, Grant isn’t myboyfriend.”
Andy chuckled. “He’s going to be more than that if he has hisway.”
“All right, Spencer, back towork.”
“Trying to get rid ofme?”