Page 97 of Captive Lies
“Bobby’s out of surgery. Two of the bullets were through and through, but one was lodged in his shoulder,” Jake explained. “Drew has a concussion due to hisfall.”
“His fall?” Grantasked.
“The reason he was out for a while was because someone shot him with atranquilizer.”
“It must be the suit guy who approached Blaire,” Tyler said. “I was able to radio Drew when the homeless guy attacked Bobby, so it must have happened soonafter.”
“The hospital will be keeping them both overnight for observation,” Jake said. “Bobby will be out of commission for a while; Drew, probably until he’s clear of hisconcussion.”
“Make sure Bobby and Drew are covered with what they need,” Grant told his man. “Get with Heather to see where their short-term disability is at. The company will cover anything the insurancewon’t.”
“On it, Mr.Thorne.”
Tyler looked at me, then returned his eyes to Grant. “We had a visit from a Miami FBI agent thismorning.”
Grant tensed beside me. “Wilkes?”
“Yes,” I answered. “So you knowhim?”
“He was the agent on the scene in Miami. What did he want fromyou?”
I told him my conversation with thefed.
“Is he trying to say that Liam’s death was a cover-up?” Grantasked.
“I don’t know anymore.” I was afraid to put my hope intowords.
“Blaire, don’t,” Tyler whispered, his expression one of sadness andpity.
“Anyway, I think he’s dropping the case,” Ishrugged.
“I don’t want Wilkes showing up unannounced again,” Grant said. “Donovan, you still have the number for Liam’screw?”
“Last I heard from any of them was during Watt’s funeral in Atlanta. The number’s been disconnected. I figured they were usingaliases.”
Hope reawakened inside me. “Doesn’t that soundsuspicious?”
“If they’ve disconnected their number, they don’t want to be found,” Jake informed me. “Don’t buy any more trouble,Blaire.”
Jake and I had come a long way since his initial disapproval of me after finding out I was the daughter of a ROC cleaner, but his last statement stung because I knew he was right. Grant had expended so many resources to keep me safe and his family was paying the price. I had to let thisgo.
“I’m tired,” I said, rising and trying to pull my hand out of Grant’s, but he wouldn’t let me go. This reminded me of another issue—the fact that I was engaged. I glared at myfiancéas he got upcalmly.
“That’ll be all, Tyler, Donovan.” His eyes never leftmine.
When our security left, we were still staring at each other. His expression was inscrutable, but I was sure mine left no doubt as to what I wasfeeling.
“Whatever I say in there, please go along with it?” I mimicked his exact words from earlier with as much sarcasm as I could muster. “You manipulative son of abitch.”
“That was the right call and you know it,” Grant countered. “Even Gus had no objection toit.”
I raised a brow. “So our engagement is not real, right? It’s just forshow?”
His eyes flashed dangerously. “Of course, it’s fuckingreal.”
“I don’t recall getting asked,” I taunted, ignoring the hardening of hisjaw.