Page 108 of Silver Fire
Demko lowered the suitcase and handed the briefcase to him. “The Leroux research.”
“We brought whatever equipment we could fit on the plane,” Morgan stated. “The rest had to be destroyed at the take-off site.”
Stoltz shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. It would be a while before we could build another of these bombs. Opperman has warned me that the spooks at the CIA are sniffing around.”
Morgan nodded. “This is it then. Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Stoltz.”
“Are you sure you do not want to stay on for the next phase? I need men with your skills,” Stoltz said.
“I’m just a transporter, sir,” Morgan replied quietly.
“Shame. Well, if you change your mind.”
Stan Morgan nodded and walked over to where their personal belongings were being unloaded, grabbed his bags and left.
Turning to Yuri Demko, Damian said, “It’s a shame we had to pull out immediately from the barn-lab. With Dr. Leroux present, we could have verified everything quickly.”
Demko shifted uncomfortably. “Bishop treated the women poorly.”
“Yes, that was unfortunate,” Damian said. “But it’s done. And the sooner you and Blackstone get over what had happened because of Justin Bishop, the better. We have work to do. The mines of Lesotho are waiting.”
* * *
They broughtBeth home after two days in the hospital. Sophie had wanted to stay with her at Stephen’s house, but Derek was unrelenting about having her stay overnight in a place where no solid security was installed. The threat from Justin Bishop was over and intel indicated that Damian Stoltz was in possession of three zefinium bomb devices and had no further interest in Sophie, but Derek had not recovered emotionally from her kidnapping. Though he was probably smothering her with his overprotectiveness, he did not give a fuck.
Derek watched Sophie fawn over her friend, who was tucked in the recliner in the living room. Stephen ordered pizza for everyone. Despite Sophie saying that everything was okay between her and Beth, he sensed an underlying tension between them. And Sophie’s solicitousness hinted at a guilt that would not go away.
After the initial awkwardness of sleeping in the same bed together that first night, Derek and Sophie slowly worked their way back to a warm intimacy. He had not pushed her further than heavy kissing. Derek was even hesitant to touch her breasts. Sophie was making it hard for him to retain his self-control with the way she squirmed against him when they kissed. She clearly wanted more, but until he knew what damage Bishop had done, he wasn’t going to risk further intimacy. Grabbing a couple of beers from the refrigerator, he sighed as he remembered their conversation the night before.
They had been watching a romantic comedy on TV when he noticed Sophie had a weird look on her face. As if she was disgusted with herself.
“What’s wrong, Angel?”
“I couldn’t get Justin out of my mind.”
That hit Derek right in his solar plexus. But instead of blowing up at her, he calmly asked her to elaborate.
“It’s the most unsettling feeling. He looked at me as if I’ve betrayed him when I stabbed him with the screwdriver.”
“You’re wondering if you’ve developed Stockholm all over again,” Derek said tightly.
“Absolutely not. It’s just that he wanted me to feel something for him,” Sophie explained. “To…to love him.”
“He had an odd way of showing it. He hit you,” Derek said furiously. He had noticed the bruise on her face after she had showered that first night she was back. He just stroked the bluish mark but did not ask her how she got it.
“Derek, I know I shouldn’t feel guilty. I am relieved he is gone, but having him bleed all over me is messing with my head. He was about to…he was about to…” Sophie broke off, her breath hitching.
“He was about to what, Sophie?” Derek prodded gently.
“You could say I premeditated his end,” Sophie continued. “I was so freaked out the first day he had me strip in front of him.”
Rage thrummed through his veins as he listened to Sophie telling him how Bishop had molested her.
“Derek,” Sophie asked nervously. “Should I stop? You look a bit—”
“I feel like killing Bishop all over again, but I’m fine,” Derek replied tersely. “Sophie, I’d rather you tell me everything and get it out of your system.”
Huffing deeply, Sophie continued without looking at him. “He hit me when I scratched his face. Before I knew it, he had my shorts and underwear off.” Sophie paused. “Ow, Derek, you’re squeezing my hand too tight.”