Page 44 of Silver Fire
As Derek zipped into a reserved parking space in Trident’s underground garage, he glanced over at Jack before killing the engine.
“Want to talk about it?” Derek asked tentatively.
“No.” His friend’s answer was abrupt.
“Jack, I saw the bruises on Maia’s wrists.”
“It’s none of your fucking business,” Jack growled as he slammed out of the Escalade.
“You know what? It is,” Derek countered as he got out of the car and got in Jack’s face. “Maia’s a friend and the last thing I want is her dick of a husband abusing her.”
The barb had its intended effect. Jack’s fury exploded, his forearm landing on Derek’s collarbone, backing him violently against the SUV. “I did not abuse her,” he snarled. Suddenly, Jack’s face contorted in anguish. “Fuck,” he whispered, releasing Derek and spinning around to rake his fingers repeatedly through his hair. “I was drunk. I wanted total control over her. And fuck, I got off on it, it was cathartic. The release, it was incredible.”
“So what’s the problem?” Derek asked quietly.
“You saw the marks on her,” Jack muttered.
“Yes, I did. And you know what Maia told me?” Derek paused as Jack’s eyes snapped to his. “She enjoyed it, and judging from her face when she told me, I believed her. She was not covering your ass.”
“When did she tell you this?” Jack asked darkly.
Derek rolled his eyes. “Fucking cut the shit, Jack. She told me. Deal with it. You like dominance play sometimes, that’s sexual deviance but not unusual. It’s about needing control.”
Jack leaned back on the SUV, rubbing his face with his hands. “Never thought I would be into that, especially with Maia.” He exhaled deeply. “Never had that compulsion, but recently whenever she’s on a risky job or when I’m deeply, insanely jealous, I just want to tie her up and…shit.” Jack shook his head, but a faint, almost embarrassed grin started forming on his lips.
Derek shrugged. “Your mind is finding a way to deal with it. You said it was cathartic, so I guess that means that took care of that jealous rage you’ve been harboring against Connelly. So, is it better?”
Jack nodded.
Derek started walking toward the elevators. Looked like his work here was done. He did not want to get into the details of his friends’ sex life. Jack had enough experience to figure out the rest of this new kink in his and Maia’s carnal relationship. “As long as it’s sane, safe and consensual. Remember, Jack, those are the rules.”
Jack smirked. His demeanor had totally transformed since this morning. “Guess I need to ask Maia for her safe word.”
* * *
Rooster bar wasa trendy establishment in the heart of Georgetown, Washington DC. The patrons were a mix of high-powered politicians and lobbyists in expensive business suits and affluent college students from the adjacent university.
The nickel-plated bar was located in the middle in the shape of a trapezoid. At the center of the bar was a fixture of high opaque glass walls that was illuminated from within. Sophie noted the waste of space. It looked good and impressive, but still, for such a premium corner of Georgetown, it was a waste of square footage.
“What’ll you have, honey?” the bartender asked. He was wearing a fitted black shirt, had a shaved head, inked arms and wore an earring.
“I’ll have a dirty martini,” Sophie said.
“Make that two, Will,” Maia said behind her. The Guardian left briefly to call Derek and let him know that they had decided to catch a couple of drinks during happy hour. It had been such a hectic day. Maia rode Sophie hard in the sparring room, she ended up with bruises. She also had her try a couple of pistols and revolvers to see which one she liked. A 9-mm Beretta turned out to be perfect for her slender hands. She hung around while Maia trained some new recruits before the red-haired Guardian took Sophie to the bungalow to pick up some clothes. Derek had texted Maia that Sophie was indeed staying with him tonight.
Beth Turner might have a say about that though.
“They’ll be joining us in an hour,” Maia informed her. “Derek’s a bit put out that he won’t be having you to himself anytime soon. He was quite insistent you pack up all your things and move in with him.”
Sophie scrunched her nose. “Hmm. He moves fast. I’m planning to move in with Beth this weekend.”
“You bet your ass, baby girl.” A voice said by her side.
“Beth!” Sophie squealed as she hugged her friend. Stephen Parker also arrived with the reporter. “Oh Stephen, are you OK?”
“I’m fine, sweetie, don’t worry your pretty little head,” her friend replied.
“Oh god, Sophie,” Beth said as she threaded her fingers through her hair. “I was so worried for you yesterday. Damn Lockwood wouldn’t let me come by to check on you. Said you were dead to the world.”