Page 61 of Smoke and Shadows
“No,” Rafiq said finally. Viktor’s heart thudded against his sternum when he saw Rafiq rack the slide of his gun, aiming it at Maia’s head. “The codes, Mr. Baran, or I make sure Ms. Pierce will not have a miraculous second chance. A head shot is ninety-nine percent fatal.”
“Don’t give in, Viktor!” Maia yelled. “You swore to protect all Guar…”
One of Rafiq’s men backhanded Maia.
Fury clawed up his throat even as he grew aware of the scuffle in his peripheral vision.Keep their heads straight, yeah right. Nathan had joined Derek in keeping Jack from interfering.
“Damn you, Rafiq,” Viktor rasped. “I can’t give them to you.”
His eyes met Maia’s on the screen. “I’m sorry, Maia.” She nodded and smiled sadly. He wasn’t going to survive the consequences of this decision. He just knew it.
The image of a 12-year-old Katerina Luski flashed before him. A frightened red-haired girl emerging from under the table, trustingly wrapping her arms around Viktor’s neck as he ferried her away from the carnage of her home. Viktor’s right hand gripped the dashboard as he tried to keep his face resolute, but he was beset with the bitter irony that he had saved Maia that day only to sign her death warrant nineteen years later.
“Perhaps you don’t think I’m serious,” Rafiq said.
Viktor held his breath, not letting go of Maia’s gaze. He would face this with her and not turn away like a coward. He wouldn’t survive this, but he would own it.
Rafiq swung the gun away from Maia and shot Holly Nolan in the head.
“Nooooo!”Jack’s anguished bellow reverberated through the alley. Viktor watched McCord sink to his knees, back hunched over, with his hands on the pavement. Thankfully, he had hit mute from their side.
“You’ve got half an hour to decide,” Rafiq said before ending the transmission.
Viktor slammed out of the car and stalked to the three men. He dragged Jack up to his feet.
“He didn’t shoot Maia,” he told Jack. Viktor didn’t feel any relief with his words. Someone was still dead from his decision. A young bright future snuffed out by the whims of a madman.
“Who—” Nathan started.
“Holly. Oh, God . . . no,” Nathan whispered.
“Jack, you know we can never give up the codes,” Viktor said, gripping the other man by the shoulders to stress his point. Jack’s tortured eyes stared back at him. “We donotnegotiate with terrorists. Men and women will die if we do. People who have served the homeland and defended it with all they’ve got.”
“I know,” Jack replied hoarsely. His eyes were glazed with unshed tears, face ravaged with agony. “Doesn’t make it cut and dry, Viktor. It would kill me if I lose her. Can you honestly say you wouldn’t have done differently if it were Marissa with a gun to her head?”
Now that was a fucked-up, but valid question.
“I don’t know,” Viktor said. “And I’m not about to sort my shit right now. We have thirty minutes.”
“Any plans?” Nathan asked.
Viktor turned around and made his way back to the AGS vehicle, grabbed the tablet and started fiddling around with the apps, bringing up the building layout.
His phone buzzed.
“I’m in position,” Marissa’s voice whispered. “The fucker killed Holly.”
“Saw that.”
“Are you okay, Viktor?” Her voice of concern was a soothing balm to the beast threatening to break free inside him.
Viktor closed his eyes for a moment to soak in the calm. “I am. Rafiq gave us thirty minutes before he shoots the next hostage. Can you take him out?”
“Yes. I’m within range. But his men will retaliate before I can take them all.”