Page 7 of Smoke and Shadows
“We’ll have an all-hands briefing tomorrow and figure this out.”
Derek walked to the elevator. “I’m going home. Tell Jack I’ll see him tomorrow.”
Just then, the elevator doors opened and Braden Connelly stepped out. The Guardian was in love with Maia and had no problems making his interest known. He had pissed off Jack McCord a couple of times.
Derek’s face darkened, and his lips curled into a snarl.
Viktor rolled his eyes.Great, now we’re having a freaking hospital soap opera.
Before Derek could confront Braden, Viktor stepped between them and said, “I thought I told you not to show your face around here, Connelly.”
The tall, blond Guardian wasn’t aware of Jack’s rescue yet. The fool thought the field was wide-open now. Maia was in a fucking coma for Christ’s sake.
“What I do during my personal time is none of your business, Viktor,” Braden replied. “And if you fire me over this, I will sue your ass.”
“Say that to me again, Connelly.” Viktor stepped into his space. “Tell me that you’re going to sue my ass, and I’ll make sure I rip you a new one.”
Braden didn’t answer and shouldered past Viktor to walk to Maia’s room.
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Viktor called out.
Braden stopped and turned around. “Or what? You’re physically going to stop me?”
The door to Maia’s room opened, and Jack walked out.
“No, I won’t.” Viktor jerked his chin up. “But he will.”
Viktor crossed his arms as he watched Braden pivot on his feet and turn rock-solid. He couldn’t see the idiot’s face, but he was pretty sure his jaw was hanging open. Jack’s expressionwas the scariest Viktor had ever seen it. The two men stood before each other like gunslingers at the O.K. Corral—without the guns.
Derek scowled at Viktor. “What the hell are you doing? Jack’s far from one-hundred percent.”
“Never underestimate the power of raw anger.”
“I don’t fucking believe this,” Jack said as he stalked the couple of steps toward Braden, ignoring the gasp coming from his mother.
“You’re alive,” Braden said quietly.
“Yes, I’m fucking alive,” Jack growled. “And you’re so fucking dead.”
Jack faked a right hook, and instead, slugged Braden across his cheek with his left fist. But Braden was a six-foot-five solidly-built wall of muscle and only staggered back a few steps.
“I don’t want to fight you, McCord,” Braden said. “Not like this, man. You look like hell.”
“I was in hell you asshole, and you tried to steal my wife? Fuck you!”
Jack launched himself and planted his shoulder into Braden’s torso, crashing into a cart of medical instruments and taking him down. He let loose a series of punches, some connecting while some were deflected by Braden. The blond man managed to throw Jack off.
“This is an ICU, not a bar,” the head nurse yelled. “Stop now! Security’s on its way and I’m having all of you thrown out.”
Derek and Robert restrained a furious Jack from going after Braden again.
Viktor sighed, walked up to Braden and shoved him toward the elevator. “Go home, you big idiot. You’ve caused enough trouble.”
Just then, his Sec-phone buzzed.