Page 11 of Waiting in Wyoming
“I’ll go over there myself then.” Masterson made a note on Brandt’s chart. “I’ll take care of my little sister.”
Meyra’s father had married Nate Masterson’s mother a while back. Meyra had four older stepbrothers who looked out forher. Rabidly, at times, too. Including the sheriff of Masterson County. Brandt didn’t consider that a bad thing.
“How soon am I out of here?”
“Tomorrow at the earliest. You need to be monitored. You are going to be hurting for a while.”
“Then sign me out AMA. I’m going back to the damned inn. My family is waiting.” And so was she.
Nate wasn’t too thrilled.
But the big brute, who probably only outweighed Brandt because Brandt hadn’t put the twenty pounds he’d lost after damned near dying back on yet, had gotten the last laugh.
Oh, the doctor was good. Really good.
Nate Masterson had used a secret weapon.
Nate’s mother,Dr. Rhea Masterson Talley,was waiting when he checked himself out and found himself a ride courtesy of a doctor who lived across from the inn. Brandt looked at the other man. “Thanks for the lift.”
Damn it. Not Rhea. No one could argue with that woman and win. They just couldn’t. Meyra’s father quaked in his shoes sometimes when he had to deal with her. It was fun to watch, not so fun to be a part of.
“Anytime. If I didn’t, Dixie would probably clobber me. She’s been…a bit scary lately. I think she’s mad at me or something, honestly. I just can’t figure out what Idid.”
At first, Brandt had been certain Dr. Shane Lowell and Dixie had a thing going on. But he’d been assured that wasn’t the case. Still, he knew what he’d seen. It was probably only a matter of time before Shane got Dixie right where he wanted her. Like naked in his bed forever.
He knew how it worked. When a beautiful woman captured a man’s soul, it was best to just give in. Roll over and give up so that the fun part of life could truly begin.
That was something he was living out himself. He should have just given in two years ago, swept Meyra off her feet, and carried her back to his lair.
They’d probably have had their first kid by now.
Sometimes his plans got in the way of him living his life—Brandt was working on that.
Rhea and her husband, the general, were right there. Gerald Talley looked at Brandt. “You should be at the hospital, son. Why are you being stubborn?”
“I just am.” He wasn’t about to tell the man in front of him that he suspected someone was targeting him here in Masterson County. Gerald would take it upon himself to try to find out who.
Brandt didn’t need anyone else to fight his battles for him. And he wouldn’t have anyone he cared about targeted. Including Meyra’s father. “Where’s Meyra?”
He needed to see her. Like he probably always would.
He wasn’t ever goingto get this right. Sonny held her warm little body close as he tried to get the formula powder mixed up right. He’d measured it to the line, and the bottled water had been in his truck—it was warm enough, he thought. He’d used cold water a few times, and it had made her cry. But it may have been the other brand of formula that he’d been given that had done that. He wasn’t very good at this stuff.
He wished her mom was there. Neveah would be better at this than Sonny was.
He missed her. More than he thought he would.
He hadn’t realized he’d been in love with her until the day she’d died. She’d just died and been gone. Just like that.
And all he had left of her was her mom—a wicked bitch who had no business breathing, who was in jail for another thirty years—and their baby. Katie.
Katie looked up at him now with dark blue eyes. Her little mouth was open, and she was getting fussy. His baby was hungry.
That meant he had to feed her. It was getting a little easier to figure things out, he guessed.
He was going to do it, too. His mom had called him before he’d left Texas this time. She’d said she’d changed her mind. That she was willing to take care of Katie for him now while he drove. But he’d have to give her half of his paycheck every time he got paid. And help her pay some bills, too. And she said he’d have to do exactly what she said with the baby. Raise Katie exactly like his mom said.