Page 44 of Speechless
He heard weeping, shook his head desperately. “Baby, don’t cry. Don’t cry. I…shit, I’m coming, baby. I’m coming home, Jenna, right now.”
Already calculating how long it would take to get Cain’s ass out of the hot tub and into clothing, plus the hour’s journey back to the Creek, Connor lunged for his clothes and fought his way into them as Jenna’s soft breathing hitched down the line. “I love you, Jenna. I should’ve told you before. I thought I missed my chance. I love you, baby. I’m coming home.”
“Maybe you should tell her that to her face, Connor.” Sarah’s voice replaced his woman’s quiet weeping. “And you’re not coming home until tomorrow. I know you’ve been drinking,” she interrupted sharply, “and if you have, so has Cain. Getting arrested for a DUI is the last thing we have time for.”
Fuck. Connor kicked at the bed, cursed as his toes caught the post. The beers he’d drank no longer gave him a sense of pleasure but sickened him. “I can…throw up,” he said, seriously considering the idea of purging if it got him back to Jenna sooner.
“Vomiting won’t reduce your blood alcohol levels, Connor. It isn’t worth wrapping Cain’s truck around a tree or Caleb coming down on your head if he pulls you over.” Right as ever, it still rankled. “Jenna is doing well, Connor. She’s eaten a little, she’s sleeping on the couch. Talking is hit and miss, but she’s trying her best.”
He eased back down to the bed as it dawned on him that Jenna improved once he’d left her alone. Was it his presence sending her into turmoil? How much improvement could she achieve if he didn’t go home? “It’s me, isn’t it? I’m the one fucking her up.”
“What? Hell, Connor, that’s not it at all. She thought Sire would come for her, punish her for speaking. She regressed because she was afraid.”
The cold wash of fury wiped away every vestige of self-pity. “Who the fuck is Sire?”
Her voice lowered. “Sire would be the very nasty, very sadistic fucker who kidnapped and tortured her. She hasn’t told me many details but reading between the lines…we thought she’d been through hell, Connor. We underestimated it. Considerably.”
“Has she given you a description?” Was that his voice? It had the power to dissect steel. “Anything we can use to catch the motherfucker?”
“You’ve been with Cain for too long,” she sighed. “No. Just Sire. Before you ask, I informed Caleb. There’s not much he can do with it, but he’s running a search anyway. It’ll start coming together from here, Connor. Once Jenna feels safe again, she’ll remember more details, pertinent details, the police can use.”
“I should be there.”
“You’re where you need to be. You sound stronger, Connor. There’s no hollow ring of despair in your voice. Cain did a good job. Not that it’s going save him from an ass-kicking, but I’ll give him kudos for pulling you back from the brink of self-destruction.”
“Kudos to you both,” he murmured. “I’ll be home in the morning, Sarah. I’m not waiting until tomorrow night. Whatever plans Cain’s made will have to be cancelled.”
Sarah harrumphed. “I guess I can’t argue after watching Jenna’s face light up for the first time in days hearing your voice. Be prepared for tears, Connor. She’s a little emotional at the minute and she’s missed you.”
Damn it, his throat tightened. “Is she there?”
“She is. Want me to put her on?”
“Please.” He cleared his throat, loosened the constriction as the line went quiet. “Jenna, can you hear me, beautiful?”
A whisper of sound. “Yes.”
Connor squeezed his eyes shut. She was beautiful, down to the soul. So innocent even after everything conspired against her. Willing to trust despite being shattered. “I’ll be there when you wake up in the morning, baby. One more night and I’ll be home, okay?”
“O-Okay.” A whimper trembled down the line. “I-I’m sorry, C-Connor.”
“No, Jenna. There’s nothing to apologize for. There’snothingyou take blame for, do you understand me?” Christ, he wanted to be there, fold her into his arms and justholdher until the dark cloud over their heads disappeared. “I miss you so fucking much, baby. One more sleep. Just one more sleep, baby.”
“One more sleep,” she repeated slowly, carefully. “I miss you, Daddy.”
Well, hell. Where did that come from? He’d never had urges to dabble in the Daddy Dom scene, had always admired those he’d watched and the littles they cared for. Was that what she needed from him, or did she just see him as a Daddy figure?
A protector, someone who cared for her, loved her, offered strong arms and comfort.
It didn’t matter. Daddy Dom or Daddy figure, he was hers.
“Did she just say what I think she said?” Sarah demanded.
He could deny it. The option, the lie, was right there on his tongue. But Cain’s words remained at the forefront of his mind and Connor decided in that moment denying who and what he was, was an insult. He wasn’t going to insult himself anymore, hide away an innate part of himself, for other people.
He sure as hell wasn’t going to deny Jenna what she wanted.
He was prepared to give her the world if she asked for it.