Page 25 of Learn For Me
Zeke grunted, bracing her weight with the arm at her back, and lowered her gently to the bed. Licking his lips, he scraped his teeth over the bottom one. In a dark tone, he murmured, “I’ll have more of that later. Never tasted anything like you. But now, I think I want to feel your first orgasm ripple around my cock.”
Sprawled over the covers, Olivia just stared up at him in shock.
Stroking her leg in reassurance, he moved away and picked up the cuffs, the chains clinking as he did something with them. Before she caught her breath, he was back with her, kneeling beside her prone form. “I’m going to cuff your hands, angel. Tight enough to restrict movement, but not to take it away altogether.”
Her body continued to rev at high speed, driven by nerves and adrenaline. Trembling, unsure her voice even worked anymore, she watched as he fastened the cuffs around her wrists with the ease of experience, his finger sliding beneath each one to check the fit.
When he was satisfied, he clipped one end of the chain to her left D-ring, then leaned over to the headboard and threaded the length of links around the ironwork, bringing the end back and attaching it to her right cuff.
Taking her by the hips, he eased her down until her arms stretched over her head lightly. “How does that feel?”
Like she was stranded on a sacrificial altar, waiting for the monster to come and devour her, she thought. She was able to move her arms a few inches, no more, and the position made her feel incredibly vulnerable. Everything was open and accessible; she was reliant on his mercy. “A little scary, Sir.”
“I know, but you don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you. Are you comfortable?”
She managed to nod.
“Good girl. Use your safeword if anything changes.” Zeke climbed off the bed, tugging a foil packet from his back pocket and tossing it next to her foot. In one swift move, he shoved his jeans down, kicking them aside, and fisted his cock in a firm grasp.
Olivia’s heart, stomach, and internal organs compacted into one giant ball of fear.
Holy hell, why hadn’t she remembered how big he was? She’d had him in her hand only the day before. Sure, she’d thought she was dreaming, but he looked significantly larger now, especially when his hand highlighted just how long he was. How thick.
Size made all the difference, right? Was that the difference between being able to walk the next morning or being hospitalized?
Eyes wide, she couldn’t take her gaze off theenormityof her situation. As Zeke released the rigid shaft to rip open the condom, it took on a life of its own, bobbing under its own weight, the substantial length glistening with fluid dripping from the fat, mushroom-shaped crown.
A thick vein ran along the underside of the angry-looking phallus. The tip was darkly purple, tapering to shades of red further down his erection. Color was the only thing that tapered, she realized. His girth was as imposing as the length, with only a slight dip of leniency behind the plump head.
It only took him twenty seconds to roll the condom on, but they were the longest twenty seconds she’d ever lived through.
He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed. “Lift your hips, Livvy.”
Bracing her feet on the mattress, she obeyed, wetting her lips nervously as he wedged the pillow beneath her, tilting her pelvis. Her heart adopted a stuttering rhythm, the same one dictating her breathing.
Zeke knelt between her open legs, one hand stroking his pet monster, while the other caressed her knee. “Part your legs as wide as you can, Livvy. Make sure you’re comfortable.”
Tell him now, a little voice warned her direly.
Her feet inched over the covers, widening herself further. A moment later, he eased over her, his weight pressing her into the mattress and pinning her in place. His arms slid beneath her shoulders; one hand curling over the curve, the other cradling her skull.
His erection lay on her mound, almost reaching her belly button.
“Don’t be scared, Olivia,” he murmured when her trembling increased. “Just listen to me, and everything will be fine. We’ll go slow.” His hips rocked until she felt the head of his cock part her labia, the soft petals of her sex blossoming around the shaft as he moved leisurely, coating the condom in her wetness. “There’s no rush.”
The friction felt good, the crown bumping her clit with every slow stroke. But anxiety was digging teeth into her nerves, waiting for the moment when everything changed.
Zeke kissed her face; from forehead to chin, every inch in between. He teased her mouth, luring her attention away from the big, bad beast knocking at her door. “Slow breaths in, angel. Long breaths out. Good girl. Nice, deep breath in,” he coaxed, nuzzling at her throat when she obeyed. “And out again. Just like that. Again.”
He calmed her, almost to the point she forgot there was a threat.
As she breathed in sync with him, her heartbeat wasn’t quite as erratic, and her muscles began to lose some of their tension. The murmur of his voice was the best dream, a constant stream of reassurance.
Olivia made a little purring sound.
“There we go. Nice and calm, Livvy. Relaxed and pliant.” He kissed her firmly on the mouth, his tongue diving back into their previous dance. “Another long inhale… blow it out.”
Lulled into complacency, she exhaled heavily, feeling his hips shift differently. As air rushed from her lungs, the fat crown didn’t bump into her clit to stoke the rising pleasure, but notched against her entrance, prying her open with the pressure from his hips.