Page 36 of Lesson In Honesty
Coming to Denver only highlighted what they were missing.
Rather than taking Sierra to the aftercare room designed with low lighting and noise restrictions in place, Liam headed for one of the booths at the back he’d already reserved. Secluded without being isolated, private without being paranoid about it.
Settling with his back against the padded wall, he stroked her hair and drank in the beatific expression she wore. She was beautiful; he didn’t give a fuck what anyone else said. Unfortunately, she did, but she never saw herself the way he always had—and she was gorgeous, especially when she allowed herself to experience pleasure when it was given.
That brought him back to what he’d just watched.
Did Mack just have a gentle, compassionate nature in general, or had chemistry compelled him to act so reverently toward her? Everything from his body language to the touch of his hands, even the way he spoke to her, rang with genuine attraction.
Sierra hadn’t fought, looked distraught or uncomfortable with the stranger’s attention. If anything, Liam could admit she’d been equally drawn to Mack; he understood her body, how she reacted when she was aroused.
The fact she’d been wet was a huge indication there was more involved than simple chemical reactions happening for her; after being fucked repeatedly by Wyatt when she was dry, it had taken Liam months to undo the damage.
So what was it about the Fresno Frat Boy that made her hormones sit up and beg, he wondered. He was a good-looking guy, more to Liam’s taste than Sierra’s but that wasn’t part of the equation. There’d been men with equal or greater physical attractiveness at Avalon who’d never drawn her eye.
Because he was curious rather than resentful, Liam studied the guy in question as Mack strolled toward them, three glasses and a bottle in his hands. Long legs ate up the short distance; his hands were steady.
The man was a charmer, Liam noted, dipping his head at other members who hailed him as he passed. Modest, not cocky. A fast, honest smile reflected in his eyes. The aura of a man who was comfortable in social circles, in his element around new people and situations.
A good influence on a woman who struggled with both of those things.
“Beer for you,” Mack said as he set his goods on the table and slid a pint glass at Liam. “A bottle of water and a soda for Sierra.”
Beer for him as well, Liam thought. Not a fan of the hard stuff, or just mindful of what he drank in a club atmosphere? “Appreciate it. Take a seat.”
“Still feel like I’m going to be offered a blindfold before I stand in front of a firing squad,” Mack muttered, sliding into the opposite side of the booth and curling his hand around the remaining glass. “Am I expected to apologize for what happened on stage?”
“Do you think it requires one?”
“No.” He took a sip of beer and leaned back, lifting a shoulder. “Your directives were to make her feel good about herself; there were no restrictions or limitations on that. I asked for Sierra’s consent before touching her past what the others in line had, and she gave it. In fact, I believe you gave your own more than once when I asked her to get your permission—you were within earshot, so you heard everything I said.”
Confident, Liam noted with approval. Confident about the boundaries, his actions, and the situation overall. There was none of the arrogance Wyatt would’ve displayed, none of theI do what I please because I canattitude.
“What do you see when you look at her?” Liam wondered.
Eyebrows a few shades lighter than his hair lowered in a frown. “Is this a test?”
“Yes.” One to see if this guy was worthy enough to let into Sierra’s life.
“She’s young, beautiful, obviously troubled by what she deems her flaws. Most women are hung up on their weight—they think their thighs are too chunky, their butts are too big, their tits are too big, too saggy, too whatever the fuck.” Mack lifted his glass,circling it in Sierra’s direction. “Those aren’t what she worries about because, even though she’s beautifully proportioned, she believes her skin and the extra hair make her less than human, so no one’s going to look at the normal ‘flaws’.”
Liam nodded in agreement, impressed.
“It’s been a long-term condition, right, maybe starting in her teens? Preteens?” As he thought it over, Mack’s eyes landed on her. “My guess is she’d had her fair share of bullying and more. Probably had some jackoff as her first lover who fucked her as a joke and deserves to have his neck broken for it.” He sighed. “I see a woman who is loved and doesn’t quite believe she’s lucky enough to be. There’s sadness in her eyes, that hollowness she can’t hide, which brings out the guardian in me. Yeah, the beard is unusual but unless a man’s blind, he can see past that, beneath it to the stunning creature she is regardless of it.”
Perfect answer. Almost too perfect, but Liam couldn’t sense any falseness behind the words. Studying the guy, remembering the focus in his eyes when he touched her… that wasn’t something easily faked. “What draws you to her most?”
Again, no hesitation. “Her eyes.”
“Because everything she is, is there. When she looked at you for reassurance, there was love, then relief. When she’s vulnerable, she shows it without needing to say a word. If she dared to tell a lie, you’d know before she got more than half a sentence out.”
Liam almost chuckled; Mack had her pegged, in very short order. Nodding, he lifted his glass, liking the man despite his reservations. “What brings you to Serenity? I’m assuming you’re here alone?”
“Single, unattached, no tangled strings tangling me up with exes. A friend got me in; he’s acquainted with the owner, and he knows my proclivities. The last few years, I haven’t hadmuch time to socialize, let alone play or date. I’ve been building and expanding my business,” he explained when Liam raised an eyebrow. “A few months ago, one of my rivals offered me a shitload of money to buy my company. It’s been nothing but lawyers, contracts, and stress since then.”
“A shitload of money equals stress?”