Page 8 of Forbidden Desire
Daylight suddenly intrudes upon my little act of fellatio. Alex has removed the sheet from my head and his lower half, and is now enjoying the sight of me savaging his penis.
His hands reach for and grope my hair.
“Oh baby, you’re going to kill me,” he says softly.
I intensify my sucking strength. I’m drawing his flesh upward and outward into the vacuum suction of my mouth. He moans and trashes his head upon the pillow, and his hands flail here, there, everywhere upon my head and shoulders.
“I’m going to come,” he warns me.
For answer, I bite down gently upon his cock and give him a particularly vicious tug with my teeth.
“Ohhhh!” he cries, and his semen jettisons into my throat.
I let the sourish nectar flow onto my tongue. I lap it up, tasting it. I have never swallowed his sperm before, and I try it now, refusing to let the precious fluid spill out of my mouth.
“You’re going to kill me,” he repeats breathlessly. “Oh baby, baby – ”
His sperm continues to spurt into my mouth, and I continue to swallow it with relish as it slowly ebbs its flow. I hold his cock in my mouth for a long, long time, reveling in the sticky sweetness of it. I finally remove his glistening rod. It’s gone semi-soft now, but that doesn’t stop him from getting up and flipping me suddenly onto my back.
He straddles me. In the morning light, his hair has lighted up into a blazing golden brown, and his eyes are as green as jewels. He’s overwhelmingly, gloriously beautiful. His full luscious lips part.
“I love you, Liz Turner,” he says.
A sharp pain fleets through my chest. It lingers as a dull ache, and my heart begins to expand and weep with the sudden groundswell of emotion.
Tears spring to my eyes.
“I love you too, Alexander Vassar.”
It’s true. I would love him even if he had been a dirt poor hustler in some seedy joint.
He lowers his mouth to kiss me.
There comes a sharp rap on the door.
We both groan. Not again. The palace is unique in the sense that none of the bedrooms have phones in them.
“Your highness?” Jasper’s measured voice filters through the door. “There’s something you need to see right away.”
Alex and I stare at the newspaper and tabloid headlines. These are not only Moldovian newspapers, but French, Spanish, Italian and German ones.
Below is a photo of Alex and me arriving at the airport. I’m in my scruffy clothes and my hair is scraggly.
‘WHY TATIANA OF NUERNBERG GOT DUMPED.’ An inset picture of Tatiana looking disgruntled.
A smaller headline: ‘A palace spokesperson says ‘no comment’.’
I suppose that would be Jasper.
I glance at Alex. “So what do we do?”
He shakes his head. “There’s nothing we can do. If people want to talk, they talk.”
“Is Jasper going to issue any further statements?”
“He’ll see how it plays. Meanwhile, we go about life as normal.”
I’m still shell-shocked by seeing my not-so-flattering pictures splashed all over the newspaper front pages.
“Don’t worry,” Alex says, “you’ll get used to it in time.”
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Alex goes to the hospital as planned. Meanwhile, I’m left with Jasper and the chauffeur to go shopping with.
“Will anyone recognize who I am?” I ask Jasper anxiously as the nondescript black Merc revs up the driveway of the East Wing entrance.
“I have arranged a discreet shopping experience, Ms. Turner. Where we are going to is catered for privacy. No one will recognize you unless you run out in the streets and flag the paparazzi down. Everything your purchase will be on the expense account. You don’t have to swipe any credit cards.”
Jasper opens the back door for me. He does not seem friendlier towards me than before, even though he has seen me almost naked twice. It doesn’t matter. I can’t help it if no one likes me because of who I am.
But I can help being affected by it.
I’m about to enter the back passenger seat when Claire comes running down the stairs of the entrance.
“Wait for me!” she calls. “I’m coming along.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the hospital, your highness?” Jasper says with a hint of displeasure. Oh good, so he treats everyone else with disdain.
“They only let a certain amount of people in at one time.” Claire dashes into the backseat with me. “You don’t mind if I tag along, do you?”
“Of course not.” I wonder if I should be calling her ‘your highness’ as well. I also wonder if she would make this entire shopping trip an unpleasant experience. Still, it’s a good chance as any to bond with the younger sister of the love of my life.
Jasper gets into the front passenger seat, muttering something under his breath.
The car drives off.
“So,” Claire says brightly, “tell me what it’s like to be a hotel maid.”
Uh oh.
Well, I have nothing to be ashamed of. At least one royal, her brother, thinks so. So I tell her about my job and what it entails, and how I was trying to make ends meet for college because my mother was made redundant.
“You’ve opted out of college. How cool!”
It isn’t that cool actually.
“I’m just taking a hiatus,” I put in hastily. “I’ll be going back to college.”
When I can.
“So you toured Indonesia with my brother for a month. Tell me about it.”
She seems quite chatty and inoffensive today, and so I tell her all about our life in the villages – how we helped them erect a communal house, how we paid for a ‘doctor without borders’ to fly in to vaccinate the newborn babies.
“Fascinating,” Claire says with a twist to her mouth to suggest she doesn’t find it fascinating at all. “So how do you feel about my brother?”
I’m taken aback. Wow, this is sudden. I steal a look at Jasper in front, who has been listening to every word with pricked ears, I’m sure.
Again, I have nothing to hide.
“I love him,” I say.
“Do you really?” she says disbelievingly.
“Is it because he’s who he is?” She raises her eyebrows. Her coloring and looks are exactly like her mother’s. “It’s a valid question and to protect my brother, I have every right to be asking it.”
Boy, she’s being brutally frank.
I say, “I understand. When I first met your brother, I didn’t know who he was.”
“I’ve heard the salacious details.” She flashes an impish smile. “Quite the stud my brother is.”
“I would love Alex even if he were a pauper,” I add.
“Even if he didn’t look the way he does?”
“Yes,” I say in confidence. Of course, Alex’s godlike looks are a major turn-on, but that’s beside the point. I have seen into Alex’s heart and fallen in love with the altruistic and impartial soul that resides within.
“Interesting. That’s what they all say, by the way.” Her expression turns cunning. “Did you know that my brother is quite the player?”
Well, I’ve Googled him a bit and he had been linked to a lot of supermodel types in the past.
“No, I didn’t,” I say. But that was the past, right? That was before he met me.
“Women throw themselves at him all the time. It’s obvious why. He’s got quite the roving eye. He may be with you now, but what’s to stop him from checking other girls out in the future? After all, he was with Tatiana until he met you.”
I’ve really never thought of Alex that way. In fact, it never even crossed my mind. He was with Tatiana? Really?
“Yeah, it has happened,” Claire says, smiling slyly. “Did he tell you that he loved you? He told Tatiana the exact same thing, and you can see how that went. I’m telling you all this for your own good, by the way. My brother can’t make a commitment, and you don’t want to be in a family who thinks you ought to be put back in your rightful place, do you now?”
An acute discomfort prickles the back of my neck.
No, no, she’s lying. You have to trust Alex.
And yet, when I recall all the Google articles and images of Alex with other women, a sliver of doubt crosses my mind. Alex the player. That was my initial impression, and dare I say – prejudice.
My voice quavers as I say, “What do all of you have against me? I have done nothing except stand by your brother when he needed me.”