Page 39 of When We Crash
“This is true. But I know jack shit about art, Blue.”
She tilted her head and strands of her hair moved with her. It was hard being around her without touching her in some way.
“Does anyone everreallyknow art?” she asked, as if she were sharing an artist’s secret.
I shrugged. “They sure act like they do. I can take a look but all I know—”
“Is what you like? That’s all anyone ever knows. What they like.”
“And what do you like?” I pushed my tray off to the side, tired of pretending I was eating.
She tapped her chin with her finger and looked up at the ceiling. A piece of her hair was braided, tucked among loose curls. Her face was clean of makeup, her fingernails free of polish. She was all sunshine, and while her clothes were dark sometimes, she wasn’t afraid to wear something bright. Her sweater was pink today and she wore light blue jeans.
So much for emo.
“You,” she said, interrupting me from my observations. “I think I like you. But don’t get too comfortable. I’m fickle.”
“I won’t.” I chuckled, and we got up to throw out our food. I walked her to her next class, and when I turned to head to mine, I heard her call my name. I looked back to see her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment before she spoke.
“If I invite you to the movies tonight at five, promise not to start carrying my books for me?” She looked up at me expectantly, excited energy making her fidget a little. It was adorable—and she had no idea.
“I’ll make no such promise. But I’ll be at your house at four-thirty.” I didn’t care what movie she had in mind. I walked away before she could argue.
When I looked back, she was still standing in the doorway. She didn’t bother to look embarrassed that I’d caught her staring. She just smirked and wandered into her classroom.
I ran into my history class just as the bell rang. I spent that hour trying not to give myself a pat on the back. New tactics had given me new knowledge when it came to Noa. If I let her, she’d come to me on her own. I had to be patient—something I wasn’t too good at whenever she was involved.
I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know her favorite movie and what made her feel better after a long day. I wanted to know the exact way her hand fit in mine, and while I had an idea, I hadn’t held her hand nearly enough to know for sure. I felt a tickle in the back of my mind, the way I usually did when I was about to bump into a memory that didn’t exist anymore. Except…
I love you.
There it was. The voice that belonged to the person I’d loved in my last life.
The sound of it faded but I held onto the way it made me feel.
I typed out a text and sent it while the teacher’s back was turned.
Me:Pick you up sooner?
The bell rang and I gathered my books, heading for her class. I didn’t know why, but something told me to.
I was rounding the corner when she came into view. She had her cell phone in her hand and her fingers were typing away. I halted my steps the moment I saw her face. It held the biggest smile I’d ever seen her wear. She tucked her phone away, and I ducked into a classroom as my phone vibrated.
Noa:If you were inside my head, feeling what I feel, you’d know that you are someone I’d bet on winning. Over and over.
I stepped out of the classroom, making sure she wasn’t around, and walked to mine feeling better than I had in days. Everything I needed to know was written in that smile.
Ralph was waiting in the seat next to mine, his arm draped over my chair. I didn’t have much free time since starting the classes, so it was good to see him.
“’Sup?” he asked as I sat. He hunched forward and tapped his pencil against the desk. “Heard Becca was an asshole Friday night. But—and this bit is interesting—I also heard Noa put up quite the fight. Then proceeded to get obliterated and have a great ass time. I know I’m late but I just heard about it.” He continued to tap his pencil. “And while I usually don’t care for gossip, this one concerns two of your ladies. I find it utterly hilarious.” He grinned that idiot-happy little grin that made me want to hit him.
“Becca is not my lady.” I opened my books, baiting him. I loved getting Ralph riled up—even over something as small as this.
“Well, I was fairly intoxicated myself, so you’ll have to excuse my ignorance on the matter.” His gaze flicked to the doorway.
Becca walked into the classroom, rolling her eyes in our general direction as the bell rang.
“Hey,” I started, looking back at Ralph. “Do you know if I ever…made fun of Noa?”