Page 5 of Now and Forever
Papá’s voice hardened. “Insolence isn’t acceptable. You will remember to whom you’re speaking.” His nostrils flared. “You, Catalina Ruiz, are not a whore. You’re a proper woman who understands when it’s time she does what is expected of her. We have encouraged your vitality; do not make me regret the freedoms we’ve afforded you.” And as if he needed to give me more incentive to comply, he added, “If those freedoms were a hindrance, I will put a stop to Camila’s future schooling immediately.”
Sucking in a breath, I pressed my lips together. “I will talk to the Patron.”
“You will accept his offer with the graciousness it deserves. Dario Luciano will be a powerful man. You could do worse.” His lips twitched. “Before you began university, Jorge suggested you marry his son.”
“Aléjandro?” I said in disgust. That would be worse. “He’s an arrogant ass.”
“Catalina.” His reproach was harsh, but I saw the twinkle return to his brown eyes.
“I’m sorry, Papá. He is.”
“He isn’t your concern. Dario is. Now go. I want you looking your best when Patron arrives.”
My reflection in the long mirror showed a woman. The navy-blue cocktail dress my mother brought me was more flattering than the one I planned to wear. The hem came to just above my knees, the bodice held the shoulder-baring neckline in place, and the fit accentuated the few curves I did have. Turning from side to side, I assessed the shape of my legs in the higher heeled shoes.
It was difficult for me to fathom that this morning I’d been a woman on the verge of her college graduation with unlimited possibilities before her. Now, less than ten hours later, the infinite choices for my future had dwindled down to one.
Accept Jorge Roríguez’s declaration or…
There wasn’t another option, not if I wanted my father to retain his rank and power. As Mother had explained after my talk with Papá, if a lieutenant can’t control his daughter, how would he deserve the respect of his soldiers?
Patron and Papá had already spoken with Vincent Luciano.
As I added the diamond earrings my parents gifted me this morning to my ears, I wondered if Dario had a say in this decision, or had his father simply decreed the union? He was a thirty-five-year-old man. Surely, he had a choice.
How had he chosen me?
Did Jorge present a menu of possible wives?
At the creak of the opening door, I turned toward the entry to my bedroom, expecting my mother. Instead, I was met with the big brown eyes of my cousin Mireya. Her smile shone as she entered, wearing a light green dress that accented her slim waist and breasts bigger than mine. My first thought was that she was more beautiful. I wasn’t jealous. It was just that she had more curves.
“Wow,” she exclaimed, “Look at you. I loved your dress earlier, but you look…” Her smile dimmed. “Are you okay?”
“You look wonderful, too,” I said before asking, “Do you know?”
She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. “I only found out this afternoon. I heard Mama and Papá talking. I asked, and Mama told me that Patron wants to sell you to the Italians for an alliance.”
I could argue the terminology, but Mireya was close.
“Maybe trade?” I collapsed on the edge of my bed. “This whole thing is crazy. I feel like I’ve been thrown a hundred years into the past.”
My cousin sat at my side and covered my hand with hers. “Remember when we used to stay up half the night talking about our Prince Charming?”
“In those scenarios, we chose our own prince.”
“We were too young to know the way things are arranged.” She looked at me and looked down. “Mama said it was almost me.”
“You can have him,” I said without hesitation.
“No, he wants you. I’m damaged goods. I know that. Honestly, I’m sorry it’s either of us.”
“You’re not damaged.”