Page 20 of Passions Ignite
Lux’s voice crackled over the radio again. “Zoey, I’m coming down to help coordinate. We need to get this under control.”
Zoey’s heart skipped again at the thought of Lux being here so close—both thrilling and terrifying. She wanted to see her, to feel the comfort of her presence, but she knew there was no time for that now. They had a job to do.
“How about I handle things from down here and you stay up there as my eyes?”
“Maybe you should take a look from up here. It’s not looking good,” Lux said. “Hold on, I think there might be some campers still trapped in the hot zone.”
Zoey inhaled sharply and held her breath. “Where?”
“I said maybe. I’m not certain. I’ll circle back as soon as I know.”
“Copy that. We’ll be ready.”
“Hang tight, Lieutenant. I’m coming to get you.”
Zoey recoiled. Despite the raging fire ahead, she felt chills run down her skin.
Lux thought the new lieutenant’s voice sounded close to panicking over the radio.. For an experienced officer, that was a red flag. But right now, nothing mattered more than getting to her.
The helicopter rotors thundered above, drowning out the chaos below. Smoke and flames swallowed the forest, turning the sky into a murky blend of grays and oranges.
Lux’s hands were steady on the controls, her vision razor-sharp. This wasn’t just another fire; it was a beast raging with a ferocity that could devour everything in its path.
“Base, this is Valentine. We’re approaching the drop zone.” There was no room for anything else when she was in the air.
“Copy that, Lux. The ground team is ready for aerial support,” the response crackled back.
Lux could see them now, tiny figures moving against the backdrop of burning trees. And there, directing the chaos like an orchestral conductor, was Zoey. Even from up here, Lux could spot her. The way she moved, the way she commanded her team—it was like she was born for this.
“Stay steady,” Lux told her co-pilot, Jay, as they prepared for the drop.
She nodded, her face set in concentration. “We’ve got a lot of wind shear. It’s going to be a rough one.”
Lux gritted her teeth. “We’ve handled worse. Let’s give them a clean drop.”
The fire was unpredictable, and flames licked at the edges of the trees, driven by the wind that was the pilots’ worst enemy right now. They made the first pass. The water released hit the fire’s edge with a satisfying hiss. But it wasn’t enough. The fire was moving too fast, spreading up the hills and threatening to surround Zoey and her team.
Lux circled, keeping an eye on the ground. Zoey was a blur of motion, directing her team with sharp, precise gestures. She was in her element down there, and Lux couldn’t help but feel a tightness in her chest as she watched her.
“Lux, we need to go up for another pass,” Jay said.
“I see it. Hold on.” She was already banking the helicopter for another approach.
“We’re low on water,” Jay reminded her.
Lux nodded, the tension in her shoulders growing. “We’ll make it count.”
They swung around again, the helicopter vibrating as they fought against the wind. Lux lined up the shot, and they dropped the last of their load right where it was needed. It bought Zoey’s team some time, but it was clear that this fire wasn’t going to be easily tamed.
“Valentine, this is Knight. Do you copy?” Zoey’s voice sent a jolt through Lux, one that she wasn’t sure she liked.
“Copy, Zoey. What’s your status?” Lux replied.
“Same as the last time. We’re holding, but barely. The fire is moving uphill faster than expected. We need you to survey from above and coordinate with the ground teams.”