Page 57 of Passions Ignite
“You were a scout?”
Zoey saluted. “I learned to set up camp with just wood.”
“All right, lieutenant,” Lux said. “And how much wood do we need?”
“Not much,” Zoey said. “We only need something to keep above our heads while we sleep.”
Lux nodded. “What do you need me to do?”
Zoey smiled, genuinely making Lux’s heart skip a beat. “You can help me gather more sticks,” Zoey said.
Lux glanced around, her eyes scanning the makeshift lean-to they had started to build. The ground was rough and covered with scattered leaves and twigs. She watched Zoey thatch the branches together to form a perfect fit, her movements swift and confident.
Lux felt a swell of admiration for Zoey’s resourcefulness. They had gathered enough sticks to construct a simple shelter to give them a little protection.
“You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” Lux asked, her tone light.
“Not exactly,” Zoey said, concentrating on her task. “But I’ve seen it done enough times to have an idea. Plus, we don’t have much choice, right?”
Lux nodded, feeling a little more secure with Zoey’s presence. “It’s impressive, though. You just… you seem to know what you’re doing.”
Zoey gave her a small smile. “Survival instinct, I guess. I just do what needs to be done.”
As Zoey finished, Lux stepped back to examine their work. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing. The makeshift shelter had a decent frame with good cover from the elements.
Zoey wiped her hands on her pants and looked over at Lux. “Let’s get more sticks. The bigger ones will work better for the walls.”
The two of them worked silently, gathering sticks and larger branches, creating a pile near their shelter.
Once they had enough, Zoey placed them along the sides of the frame, leaning them against the frame. Lux watched her, occasionally helping when Zoey asked but mostly observing how Zoey worked.
“What’s next?” Lux asked.
“Now we gather leafy branches to make a mat for on top of the roof. It’ll help keep the rain off.”
“Lux chuckled. “Rain?”
“We can’t leave it to chance, can we?”
“I guess not.” Lux gathered leafy branches and started placing them on the frame. “Got it.”
“Perfect,” Zoey said, arranging the leaves to get the most coverage.
There was something captivating about how Zoey moved, her hands worked the materials, and her mind focused on the task. After a while, Zoey stepped back to assess their progress. “Not bad,” she said, tilting her head slightly. “It’ll do for now.”
Lux smiled, a bit of pride swelling in her chest. “Yeah, it’s not bad at all.”
They both stepped inside the makeshift structure, crouching slightly to fit under the low ceiling. It was cramped, but it provided some protection from the elements. The ground inside was still hard, but they could make it more comfortable later.
“At least we’re not completely exposed,” Zoey said, settling down on the ground.
Lux sat down beside her, their shoulders brushing. The closeness sent a warmth through Lux that made her heart beat a little faster. She could feel the tension in the air, the kind that had nothing to do with fear or survival but with something much more intimate.
“So…you’re okay with this?” Zoey asked.
Lux glanced at Zoey, noticing the way her eyes softened as she looked at her. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “I’m okay with it. More than okay.”
Zoey reached out and took Lux’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Lux’s heart fluttered at the touch, her thoughts briefly straying to places she tried to avoid. She liked Zoey—morethan liked her—but she wasn’t sure what that meant for them, especially in their current situation.