Page 28 of Mine for a Moment
“Thank you,” I tell her. “I love a good cab.”
“I know,” she murmurs, her voice filled with regret as she pours me a glass.
I take it from her and stare at it for a few moments, trying my best to keep it together as I raise it to my lips, knocking back half of it.
Kristen tries her best to make small talk, and I try my best not to notice the way Theo wraps his arm around the back of her chair as he hangs on her every word. The worst part is that I’d normally have texted Kristen if I found myself somewhere I didn’t want to be, and she’d call me giving me an excuse to leave. Now she’s the one I want to get away from.
I sigh as I reach for my phone helplessly halfway through dinner, only to find a text message waiting for me.
have you had dinner yet?
I blink in surprise, the edges of my lips turning up into a smile. We’ve started to text throughout the day, and those little moments feel so intimate. There’s something thrilling about knowing that I’m on his mind, even as he sits in important meetings.
I’m having dinner now
would you like me to come over? I know you don’t like eating alone
My heart skips a beat, my mood instantly lifted. Things have been amazing between us. Most of the time, we’re stillus. We hang out, and occasionally he’ll come over simply to watch TV with Ezra and me. But when we do those same mundane things while Ezra isn’t home, he’ll turn toward me with that look in his eyes I can’t resist, and I inevitably end up in his bed. I’d been worried about being with him, but all of my fears have been unfounded. We’ve made it work perfectly.
that’s really nice of you, Arch, but I’m not home
and don’t worry, I’m not alone
I watch as text bubbles appear and disappear, a hint of impatience rushing though me.
“Serenity?” Theo says.
My head snaps up, and all of a sudden, I realize I’d just been staring at my phone for who knows how long. “Oh, sorry,” I tell him, just as another message appears on my screen.
who are you having dinner with?
Theo raises a brow, a hint of confusion crossing his face. “Who are you texting?” he asks. “I’ve never seen you smile at your phone like that.”
Kristen’s gaze snaps to him, and I watch as she leans in. “Don’t be so nosy, babe,” she says, her tone sweet and placating, but I hear the hint of insecurity she tries to hide.
She places her hand over his, and he grabs it, entwining their fingers before he lifts their joined hands to his lips to kiss the back of hers, their eyes locked. All the while, I just sit there and stare at them, wishing it could’ve been me he looked at that way.
I glance at my phone as I wrap my towel around my waist, surprisingly annoyed Serenity left me on read. Who is she with for her not to answer my question? I’d have asked that even if we weren’t sleeping together, so I doubt she’d think I’m overstepping.
I glare at my phone as I walk into my bedroom and throw it onto my bed moments before my doorbell rings, only to find Serenity standing in front of me. “Hey,” I murmur, surprised.
Her eyes roam over my bare torso, and then she wordlessly steps forward, her hand wrapping around the back of my neck as she rises to her tiptoes and kisses me.