Page 37 of Hollowed
“KatherineElizabeth,”Isaid with a tight smile.Myvoice sounded unfamiliar to my ears, silky and high pitched in a non-threatening and innocent way mine had never been.Itwas odd to not recognize my own voice.
“Howlong have you and your husband been together?” he asked, slipping his hand in the crook of my elbow and pulling me to a stop.Heturned me around to face him.
Idid not want him touching me, butIknew ifIgave in to my flames, it would destroy both my dress and our cover. “Removeyour hand.”
“Isimply would like to get to know you better,” he said, still holding my arm. “Iam trying to be welcoming to my new neighbors.”
“Iadvise you to remove your hand from my wife,”Alexander’svoice was so cold,Iexpected frost to form in the stables.Itsent chills down my spine and goosebumps along my flesh, though they were not all from fear.
AtBrom’slack of response,Alexander’svoice grew even colder, like thick layers of ice over a pond in the middle of winter. “BeforeIremove it for you.”
Bromquickly snatched his hand away. “Myapologies.”
“Ibelieve we can find the inn on our own.”Alexander’sgaze did not waver fromBrom. “Youmay leave us now.”
Brombegan to protest. “No,Iwas told—”
“Thatis all,Bron.”Alexanderwaved his hand in dismissal before pulling our bags from the saddle.Hethen took my hand in his. “Youmay go.”
“Myname isBrom.”Brom’sface turned bright red.Hecrossed his arms andIcould see his lips moving as he muttered something else, but could not hear the words.Thankfully, he listened toAlexanderand left the stables.
“Whatdid he say?”Iasked, turning toAlexanderafterBromhad fully departed.WhileIshould have removed my hand from his, it felt comforting.
Alexandersmiled, his lips thin. “Ido not think it would be appropriate to repeat.”
Agenuine smile crossed my face. “Ihave never admired someone more.Thankyou for putting him in his place.”
“Noone touches you without your permission,” he said, pointedly looking down at our hands. “Noteven me.”
“Ido not mind you touching me.”Mycheeks burned, realizing whatIhad said. “Imean…Ido not mind you holding my hand.”
Hesmiled, but his expression was unreadable. “Let’sget to the inn.Ihave little patience for prying townspeople.”
“Yourealize we will have to interact with them quite a bit to get what we are searching for,”Imuttered, careful of listening ears.
Hesighed. “Yes,Iknow.Howunfortunate.”
Aswe arrived at the small inn,Iwas far from surprised to seeAdelaidewaiting for us with her apprentice at her side.Herwhite, unseeing eyes seemed to track my every move, and sweat rolled down my spine.Couldher magic see through my disguise?
“Idid not get to speak with you when you first arrived,”Adelaidesaid, still staring at me even though her body facedAlexander.
“ThisisAdelaide, one of theCiallmharofSleepyHollowand a seer,”Edmund, her young apprentice, said as his chest puffed with pride.Hehad shown promise as a young diviner, andAdelaidehad quickly swooped him up to study under her.Notall theCiallmhartook apprentices, butAdelaidehad been one to take them frequently.
“Apleasure to meet you,”Alexandersaid, bowing slightly before extending his hand out for her to shake.
“MistressAdelaideis blind, sir,”Edmundsaid, his voice sharp.Adelaidewas mostly blind, and everyone in theHollowknew that, butIcould see why they would want to keep that information from strangers.
Alexanderpulled his hand back, blinking slowly at the young boy. “Myapologies.”
“Andyou areKatherine?”Adelaideasked, her voice sugared as she folded her hands in front of her stomach. “Abeautiful name.”
“KatherineElizabeth, yes.Andthank you, that is very kind,”Ireplied, keeping my voice carefully slow.Ofall theCiallmhar,Adelaidewould have the best chance to see throughAlexander’sdisguise.Icould only hope that he was as powerful as he believed.
“Weare having a town meeting before sunset,”Adelaidesaid, still gazing at me. “Wewould be honored if you would attend.”
“Certainly,”Alexanderanswered. “Whereis the gathering?”