Page 48 of Hollowed

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Page 48 of Hollowed

“Wheredid you go?” he hissed.

“Weneed to go,”Isaid, keeping my voice soft.

Heopened his mouth, likely to argue with me, but something caught his attention over my head.BeforeIcould turn to see what it was, his hands left my arms and one wound around my waist while the other tipped my chin up.Andthen his lips crashed to mine.

Sparksshot down my spine, branding my skin where he touched me.Hislips moved against mine as his thumb caressed my chin untilIwas pulled from my shock and kissed him back.Therest of the party—the rest of the world faded around me.AllIcould focus on was his lips against mine, his hand on my face, and his touch on my hip.

Alexander’shands tightened, and the kiss deepened.Myhands moved to his hair, gripping softly and tilting my head back to press us closer together.Agroan rumbled through his chest, vibrating through me.

Asoft cough behind us pulled us back to reality.Hishands left my body as ifIhad burned him, and it took all my willpower not to look down and ensureIwasn’t on fire.Thekiss clouded my mind, and allIcould do was stand there and stare at him.Helifted his hand to his mouth, wiping at his lips with the back of his sleeve.Mystomach twisted at the sight.Hewas wipingmeaway.

“Apologies.”Alexander’svoice was like warm honey, but his words cut like icy rain. “Wegot carried away.”

“Quiteall right,” my mother said from behind me, on my left side thankfully.

Ifought to keep my body from stiffening asIturned and stepped next toAlexander, keeping a good distance between us asIfound my boots the most interesting thingI’dever seen.Alexandersaid something else to her, and thoughIheard it, my brain didn’t quite register what the words were.

Ifollowed them as we all moved back to the party.Thekiss was still burning at my skin, etched into my lips.Itwas allIcould think about.Ineeded to get it together.Ithad been a distraction to keep my mother from questioning why we were away from the party.Iknew that, and yet… something in me had hoped.Forone brief second,Ihad hoped that he was kissing me just because he had wanted to.

Shakingmy head,Ituned back into the conversation betweenAlexanderand my mother.Nowwas no time for fantasies.Especiallynot when he was clearly unaffected by our kiss.

“Well, the waySleepyHollowis protected is unique.Differentfrom other havens,” she said.Ifought back a grimace at the unadulterated pride in her voice. “SleepyHollowwas founded around a natural magical ward that only allows those with magic to enter.”Hervoice dropped to a conspiratorial whisperIhad to strain to hear. “Spiritsprotect our haven, and they demand payment for the protection.”

“Payment?”Alexanderasked.Iwas impressed with how well he faked the curiosity in his voice, as if he were hearing this for the first time. “Doyou mean a tithe?”

Oh, howIwished to turn and see my mother’s expression at that moment as she explained to a stranger that they sent innocent people to their death each year in a vain attempt to appease spirits who did not want their sacrifices.

“Notexactly,” she said slowly, her voice back to its normal volume. “Eachyear, a person is offered to the spirits in exchange for their continued protection.”

“Asacrifice, then.”Alexander’svoice was blunt as he spoke.

“Yes, quite right.Itis an honor in the town to be chosen as the sacrifice each year.”

Icould not take anymore, and turning away from the altar,Imade my way back toAlexander’sside. “Youraltar is lovely,MistressLoralai.”

“Whythank you,Katherine,” she said, sniffing lightly.Sheturned her attention back toAlexanderas ifIhad not interrupted. “AsIwas saying, it truly is an honor amongst the town people to be chosen.Why, even this year, my husband andIchose our own daughter to go to the spirits.”

ThehandAlexanderhad placed on my lower back twitched. “Youchose your own daughter?Willingly?”

“Tokeep the town safe, yes,” my mother said, her face hardening at his obvious disgust.Icouldn’t breathe, couldn’t move.Knowingit was my mother’s choice was one thing, but hearing her admit it and be prideful about it was another thing entirely. “AsIsaid, it is an honor to be chosen to help protectSleepyHollow.”

Alexander’sdisapproval was palpable. “Well,Isuppose we will leave you to attend to your other guests.Thankyou for your hospitality.”

“Youare leaving?”Mymother’s eyes narrowed, an unnaturally cold breeze washing over us.Fora moment,Ifeared she would attempt to stop us from leaving. “Theceremony has not yet begun.”

“Yes,Ibelieve we are,” he said, his voice smooth and polite in the face of my mother’s barely contained rage. “Please, enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Withoutanother word, he turned and guided us away with a confidenceIdesperately wishedIhad.Hebunched his shoulders around his ears and his grip tightened on my elbow slightly.Purplehaze smoked out from his gloves, a clear sign of his dwindling control.

Approachingthe front of the manor,Ipulled us to a stop. “Whatare you doing?Wehave not spoken to everyone here yet.”

“Youwanted to leave earlier.”Hisexpression was unreadable as he extricated himself from my grip and continuing his path away from my home, his steps quick but determined. “Weare leaving,Katrina.Now.”

Huffing,Ipicked up the ends of my dress and hurried after him.Somuch for working together to discover who was summoning the sluagh.Onceagain,Iwas dismissed by theDullahan.


Hecontinued into the woods, stopping only once we were surrounded by trees.Whirlingaround, his eyes so dark they were nearly black. “Youdid not say that your mother was the one to choose you as my sacrifice.”

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