Page 73 of Hollowed
“Perhaps.”Hisvoice was careful as he nodded at my shoulder. “Butfirst, we need to get your pain managed and wrap your shoulder tightly before we go to work on your powers.”
Ifought to keep from scoffing. “Iam fine.Weshould start with my powers now.Ican only imagine the havocDeathwill wreak on theHollowonce she discovers she cannot get to us here.”
“I’mnot compromising on this,Katrina,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.Thoughhis stance was rough, his eyes were soft and full of worry. “Please, let me help you.”
Chewingon my lip,Idebated it for a heartbeat before finally acceptingIwould not win this battle. “Fine.Butthen, we train.Andwe don’t stop untilI’mable to conjure the full extent of my magic.”
“It’sa deal.”
“You’recertain it’s set properly?”Alexanderasked, his hands hovering around my shoulder.Hisforehead pinched as he pulled his gaze away long enough to meet my eyes. “Wouldyou mind ifImade sure?”
“Goahead,Dullahan,”Itold him asIclenched my other hand into a fist to stave off the painIknew was coming.
“Thatis the third time you have used my title instead of my name sinceIwoke,” he murmured, his breath fanning against my neck as his fingers caressed along my skin.Hepaused, looking at me again with an unfamiliar swirl in the blue of his eyes. “Why?”
“HaveI?Ididn’t realize.”Despiteknowing thatIwas well within my rights to be angry with him for what he’d done—or rather, not done—part of me was still tense, fearing retaliation for my words and tone of voice.Itruly hadn’t realizedIput that distance back between us again.Takinga deep breath,Islowly blew it out, watching my breath flutter against the fabric of his shirt. “I’msorry,Alexander.”
Hisbreath hitched slightly, but his fingers never faltered in their gentle probing.Isqueezed my eyes shut to keep from looking at him, thoughIcould feel the weight of his gaze on my face.Thankfully, he said nothing and continued his examination.Hetrailed his fingers down my arm to wrap around my wrist, sending shivers through my spine.Onehand moved my arm as the other pressed against my shoulder, prodding as the joint moved.Ibit down on my lip, wincing at the dull twinge of pain while swallowing back any noises of discomfort.
Finally, he moved away, andIopened my eyes, only to find him staring at me. “Katrina,I—”
“Yousaid you would bind my shoulder?”Iasked, not wanting to hear what he had to say.Perhapsit was childish, butIwanted to stew in my anger and make him suffer for lying to me.AndifIlet him say whatever he’d been about to,IknewIwould not be able to cling to that.
Itwas already dissipating each timeIcaught him looking at me, andIknew it would soon crumble entirely.
“I’msorry,Katrina.”Hereached up to run his thumb over my cheek.Andwith that motion, all the angerI’dclung to bled out of me.Isighed, closing my eyes asIleaned into his touch. “I’mso sorry,Katrina.”
“Iforgive you,Alexander.”Myvoice was a mere whisper.Iopened my eyes to meet his intense gaze.
Hepursed his lips, his eyes darting to my mouth and then to my shoulder.Atthe sight of my shoulder, his lips pressed into a firm line, as if he’d just remembered what we were doing here. “You’llneed to remove your dress.Icannot bind it properly over your clothing.”
Fightingthe sudden tempest brewing in my belly,Istepped around him and walked into the room.Insome way,Iwas almost grateful for the situation.Ineeded to see his reaction to my body and see if this tension that had been burning within me since our almost-kiss was real, or ifIwas imagining it.ButIknew better than to get my hopes up.Ipushed those feelings down as far as they would go, praying to whoever was listening that they’d stay there.
Alexanderstepped into the room behind me and pulled the door closed, making the room feel overwhelmingly small as his presence dominated the space.Hemoved to the chest by his bed, stooping to rifle through it before returning with linen bandages.
Hestopped in front of me, holding the bundle of fabric up. “Ican turn around while you undress, if it would make you feel better.”
Asmuch asIwanted to say yes,IknewIcould not remove the dress by myself.Mycheeks burned with embarrassment. “I’llneed your help, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Heanswered quickly. “Ofcourse not.”
Gingerly,Itugged at the sleeve of my dress, pulling the neckline down untilIcould stretch it over my shoulder.Alexander’shands took over, easing mine aside as he raised my injured arm and nodded at me to raise the other.Hishands landed on my waist, startling me.
“I’msorry.”He’dsaid the words too quietly for me to hear, butI’dread his lips.Inodded for him to continue, and he hesitated for a moment before pulling the dress up and over my head.
Respectablewomen wore a slip under their dresses, sometimes more than one.ButIwas not a respectable woman.Also, sinceI’dmet theHorseman,I’dscorched all the clothing he’d lent me.EverydecisionI’dmade since taking his hand that night after he’d pulled me from the water came back to laugh in my face asInow stood naked in front of theDullahan.No, even worse…Inow stood naked in front ofAlexander.
Ifhe was breathing,Icould no longer hear it, andIdidn’t see his chest rising and falling, either.Hewas staring at me, but not at my body likeI’dfeared.Hewas staring at my face, and the centers of his eyes were wide, with only a sliver of blue was visible around the edges.
Firepulsed through my veins, crawling through my body and pooling low in my stomach.Reachingout my good arm,Ipulled the discarded dress from his hands and held the fabric against my torso, covering my bare breasts.Itdid little to make me feel less exposed, but the exposureIfelt had nothing to do with my nakedness; especially considering he’d yet to drop his gaze below my mouth.
Heblinked once, twice, before clearing his throat.Holdingup the bandage again, he took a small step closer. “MayI?”
“Yes,”Imurmured, finding a knot in the wood of the floorboards to focus on as he began unraveling the bandage.Hepressed the end to my collarbone, his fingers sending sparks down my spine from where they touched my bare skin.Isurpassed a shiver, my fingers itching to reach up and pull him close to me.