Page 83 of Hollowed
Aloneand blazing bright.
Screamsbloom coldly in the wind,
Onwings as black as night.
Deathdemands an offering,
Onlythose with sight can see.
Ashand dust surround the world,
Noone to hear your plea.
Veilsof smokeand shadow hide
Thetruest hearts of stone.
Andwith the dead to help her,
Deathwill build a throne of bones.
Run,little phoenix,
Runfar, run fast.
ForDeathwill always find you,
Itwill not last.
Bloodand embersfill the streets,
Theworld ready to become
Anendless maze of bodies.
Oh, how quickly you’ll succumb.
Ashesrain behind you,
Fallingback to earth.
Beginyour life again, again,
Bestowedyour power upon birth.
Bornof flame and bathed in blood,
Nevershall you rest.
Liesand offerings freely given,
Willsurely bring the best.
Blinding,brilliant power,
Fueledendlessly by ire.