Page 91 of Hollowed
Lochlansnorted. “Ithought you said you told her about us?”
Tuckingmy hair behind my ears,Itook a deep breath. “No, he did,Ijust wasn’t expecting to meet onehere, is all.Hefailed to mention your name or your…status.”
“Ilike her.”Lochlanleaned back in his chair with a grin. “Youtwo will be good together.”
GlancingatAlexander,Ihalf expected him to be scowling, but instead his cheeks were flushed.We’dgrown closer over the course of the journey fromSleepyHollowbut no amount of closeness prepared me for him leaning down to press a kiss to my temple in full view of everyone. “Yes, we will be.”
BeforeIcould collect my thoughts from where they swirled above my head and string them together to stutter out a reply, the doors of the pub swung open.
Myheart sank to my boots, all joy gone asIrecognized the man who entered.Torin.
Herecognized me at the same time, smiling politely as he made his way over to our table.Weall rose to greet him,Alexanderstepping in front of me to extend his hand. “Torin, thank you for meeting us.”
Torin’sface was older, but he was still the spitting image of his mother.Hiseyes were exact replicas ofCiara’sandIfound myself dizzy with the realization.Closingmy eyes,Iforced back the sound ofCiara’sneck snapping, the vision of her body on the ground.
“Let’shave a seat,”Alexandersaid, his hand on my lower back.
Ialmost fell into the chair.
“Katrina,”Torinsaid slowly. “Whyhave you come all this way?”
Beneaththe table,Idug my nails into my palms.I’dtoldAlexanderIneeded to be the one to giveTorinthe news; he couldn’t take that from me, as much as he would have liked to spare me.Alexander’sleg pressed against mine, a solid and silent reminder of his presence.Ofhis support.
“Yoursister.”Icleared my throat. “I’mhere aboutCiara.”
Isaw the instantTorinrealized whatIwas not saying.Hiseyes widened, and then his jaw tightened as he looked toAlexander. “Wasshe namedRoghnaithe?”
“No.”Ishook my head. “Iwas.”
Torin’seyes settled back on me, his face falling as he realized the alternative. “Thenwhat happened?She’sdead, isn’t she?”
Ashcoated my tongue asInodded. “Yes, she’s dead.”
“Ciarawas trying to avenge you.Shefound a spell, and she tried to summonDeath.Toforce her to bring you back.”
Itwas as if my words had punched the breath fromTorin’slungs. “What?”
“Deathkilled her, afterCiaracompleted the summoning.Sheused my parents’ deaths…”Ishook my head. “Thatpart isn’t important.”
“It’sall important,Katrina.”Hisvoice was hard and his fists rested on the table. “Tellme all of it.”
Alexanderreached his hand to rest atop mine, stopping me from the storyI’dbeen about to tell. “Letme.”Heturned his gaze toTorin, andIgladly let him, despite knowing it should be me. “CiarausedKatrina’sparents to summonDeath, to bargain for your soul.Shedidn’t believe us when we told her you were not dead.Deathsnapped her neck.”
Torinlet out a sob, his fist pressed against his mouth.Myvision blurred, eyes stinging with my own tears that built and spilled over my cheeks.Reachingout,TorinandIclasped hands, clinging to each other.
“Deathis gone,”Alexandercontinued. “Katrinadestroyed her; she’ll never come back.She’llnever harm anyone else.”
“ThatdoesCiaralittle good,”Torinsnapped.Iflinched at his words, drawing my hand back.Hetook a shuddering breath, pulling my hand into his beforeIcould move away completely. “Wait.”
IfeltLochlan’seyes on me.Theywere no longer friendly and casual, but assessing.Alexanderhad apparently not told him everything about me. “YoukilledDeath?”
“Yes,”Ireplied, not taking my eyes offTorin.
“Mymother?”Torinasked, his eyes frantic.
“She’salive.”Icouldn’t bring myself to admit that she now hated me, but she was alive.Thatmuch,Icould attest to.