Page 26 of Bearly Breathing
They talked about the little things for the next twenty minutes over their lunch of cold fried chicken and a chilled tropical fruit salad.
Marcus packed up the leftovers and piled them into the insulated backpack he carried along with their tent, some more food, emergency supplies, and fresh water. It was seasonably warm, so he didn’t worry about a fire.
They sat in companionable silence for the next few minutes. This is easy, he thought shocked by his admission, being with her feels natural, like breathing.
He asked about her family and friends. He knew about her job already.
“I’m not close to my parents and I have no siblings.”
“Well, dad wanted a boy and mom was indifferent. I think she didn’t like me because I wasn’t like the other girls, you know? I didn’t look like them and I never wanted to be a cheerleader or girl scout.”
“It’s their loss, I mean it,” he said and took her hand. Her brilliant blue eyes never failed to hypnotize him. Like sapphire pools he couldn’t wait to dive into.
“I have two brothers and it’s just my dad now, but we are all close. We run Bear Claw together,” he didn’t want to dwell on his brothers. He wanted to focus on her.
Like most Shifters, his family was close. Too closeat times, but he couldn’t imagine it any other way. Most Shifters craved community, leadership, a natural pecking order. Their cubs would grow up safe and secure. Leya pregnant with our young…
“My parents never understood why I chose the city. I just needed a change. But I guess they were right. I’m tired of life in the Big Apple, but I don’t want to go home either,” she fiddled with a stick she found lying on the ground while she spoke, “I’ll worry about finding a new home when I go back. Anyway, how about you, Mr. Bakery-mogul?”
Little do you know, my love, you have a home waiting for you. In me. He had to focus on her words to come up with a quick response. Fucking daydreaming again, pal? Claim her. His Bear seemed happy to taunt him.
“Oh, come on, I’m just a simple baker, Leya.”
“Yeah, right. Anyway, where do the baking Devlin’s hail from?”
“My family lives in Barvale, New Jersey.”
“Is that by Maccon City?”
“Yeah, just west of there. How did you know?”
“My company had a client there, Lane Liquors Corp. You know it?”
“Yes, I do! I am a fan of Bite.”
“Really? Me too!”
They laughed as he took two small bottles of the local craft beer that he stowed in the cooler. Leya grinned and lifted hers to her lips and he exhaled. He didn’t know if she liked beer, but took a chance she’d enjoy the light, fruity blend the hotel served.
Marcus was so focused on her that he let his guard down. He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings. A mistake that was soon brought to light when the unmistakable sounds of growling reached his sensitive ears.
“Um, Marcus,” she squeaked. Leya’s eyes popped out of her head and he followed her gaze to two snarling beasts that moved in front of them.
“Shit. Okay, Leya, get behind me,” he slowly stood, doing his best not to provoke the animals.
When he was satisfied, she’d listened to him, and moved behind him to the entrance of their tent, Marcus began sliding to the left. He wanted to direct them away from their campsite.
The sound of a third feral dog sneaking up behind them was not lost on him. Fuck. The scent of Leya’s fear was making his Bear nuts.
“What are we going to do?” she asked. Her worry sliced through his hesitation. His protective instinct going into overdrive.
He knew what he was going to do as he eyed the three huge dogs that for all their scavenging ways didn’t seem the least bit underfed. He just hoped she’d understand.
The animals were huge, scarred, and vicious if their snapping jaws and snarls were anything to go by. Marcus narrowed his eyes. Time to share some secrets.
“Leya, I need to show you something.”