Page 24 of Purrfectly Naughty
Chapter 13
It took over an hour to wrap all the gifts and hide them in her small apartment, but they worked together and got it done over pizza and soda.
“Would you like another slice?” Javier offered her the last of the meat lovers’ pie they’d ordered from Grimaldi’s Pizza, but she shook her head.
“No, I can’t eat another bite,” she laughed and watched him finish the oversized slice in four bites.
“I am always hungry. Can’t help it, I am a Bear that way,” he shrugged and wiped his mouth.
“I mean, you’re big, don’t get me wrong, but there isn’t an ounce of fat on you anywhere,” she said and eyed him from head to toe.
“Fast metabolism, you know how it is,” he said.
“Hardly,” she looked down at her body and stopped when he growled.
“My mate’s body is fucking gorgeous,” he reached out a hand and petted her from her face to her shoulders, her breasts, belly, hips, and ass, handling every soft curve and roll gently and expertly.
“Every inch of you is sublime,” he said and punctuated the statement with a kiss.
“Okay,” she cleared her throat as he turned to clean the table.
She had to say she did like his impeccable manners and sense of style very much, loved the way he was always touching her and complimenting her without it being forced or fake. Javier was not like any of the men she knew.
Perhaps that was one of the reasons she found it so difficult to say no to him. But it was more than that, she realized as he efficiently cleaned the remnants of their dinner and gift wrapping. He tied the garbage bag closed and replaced it before leaving her apartment.
Before he went, he kissed her again and she damn near swooned. He was always kissing her. In fact, he seemed to really like being with her.
They’d chatted in the car and through their meal. Being with him was easy. Fun. He seemed to like holding her hand when they shopped. And when he couldn’t do that, he placed a palm on the small of her back.
It was old fashioned and sweet. And it made her feel protected, taken care of, and wanted. That was something she didn’t think she’d ever felt before. Then there was the sexual attraction.
Holy hot sauce, did she want that man like crazy! And it was only going to get worse. She knew that from hearing the Pride’s females talk.
Making love in a frenzy, bucking wildly against each other, using the wall for support inside the restroom of her place of employment, was beyond exciting. He was so damned hot. That Latin lover vibe of his made her shiver in anticipation whenever he was near her.
“What are you thinking about?” he said in a rumbly voice that meant he knew exactly where her mind had gone.
“Mmm, I can’t help it,” she admitted, “but I have to get my son.”
“Nothing to worry about, love, I am not going anywhere,” he winked and gave her another quick kiss before they went to get Paulie.
“Hello!” Pamela called inside the Pride House as she and Javier entered through the front door.
“Mommy!” Paulie came running towards them like a little whirlwind of energy, nearly toppling her over in the process.
“Hello, little cub,” she said and hugged him tight.
“Who’s this?”
“Hello, Paulie,” Javier knelt down and extended a hand, “My name is Javier Auberon, but you can call me Javi.”
“I got a loose tooth, wanna see?”
Pamela watched as the two most important males in her life got to know each other. Paulie took Javi’s hand and was tugging him into the living room to show him the Pride House’s Christmas tree.
“Hello, I’m Hunter Maverick,” the Pride Neta was in the living room with both his daughters when they walked in.
“Mommy, Milly was pullin’ my hair again,” her son complained, but she noted the way his eyes went to the baby, and he was smiling, so it could not have been all that bad.