Page 27 of Purrfectly Naughty
Chapter 15
The last few days with Javier were better than any Pamela had ever experienced in her life. Maybe it had to do with it being the Christmas season or maybe the Fates were finally smiling down at her.
All she knew was that every moment she spent in his company, Pamela fell more and more in love with him. Javier Auberon, an independent businessman, an Andean Bear Shifter from Ecuador, and apparently, her fated mate.
He was way out of her league, or so she’d thought at first look, but Javier managed to assuage any fears she had on that front. He was exceedingly down to earth and approachable. Had no problem flailing around the ice skating rink just to make her son laugh. She’d seen how good he was on skates and knew it was all just a front, but it was positively adorable.
He won Paulie over instantly with his first fumble onto the surprisingly small ice skating rink beneath the behemoth tree. After her little boy had whispered to his mother that he was afraid to fall.
Javier had managed to take away that fear by falling down and getting back up quickly. He showed her son patiently the proper way to stand after falling down, and even better, he readily accepted her son’s mitted hand after he wisely suggested Javier hold onto him until they both got the hang of it.
After a few minutes, they were both skating circles around the other people who’d braved the wintry weather to experience Christmas in New York. Pamela did alright by herself, but she loved it when Javier had surprised her by twirling her round and round on the rink. When Paulie giggled and clapped, Javier picked him up and tossed him in the air, making her sweet boy squeal with laughter.
Oh yes, she thought with a sigh, it had been a truly magical day. Javier was sweeter and more patient than any of the men she’d ever had in her life before. Everything he did was carried out with manners and courtesy, affection and respect. Loving him was easy, she realized quite suddenly.
Sure, Pamela might’ve doubted her ability to make a man like Javier happy upon first sight, but every time he touched her and smiled her way, it was like the sun coming out in her own personal universe. Javier seemed to project his own feelings about her to the whole world freely, plainly, and she longed to do the same.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone just admitted how they felt and loved each other honestly? How could she not love him back?
He’d already given her his bite and her she-Cat was desperate to return it. Her Tigress scratched at her skin, wanting to sink her fangs into his skin and mark him as her own.
Her heat was still in play and the more time she spent with him, she knew it was going to happen sooner or later. The need to claim him would hit her hard and fast.
“Good news,” she turned to him and smiled, “Elissa said no problem.”
“Is that all she said?” he asked with one perfect, dark brow arched.
“Not hardly,” Pamela snorted, “she really said ‘no problem, Pa-mela’ I swear, I am going to kill her,” she groaned, unable to keep even the smallest secret from him.
It was new and exciting, this feeling of wanting to share everything. Javier was truly her fated mate. He would always want her. At least, that was what she’d learned watching the couples within the Pride. Her new friends and their mates, like the Neta and his Nari, were always so in love.
Was it wrong for Pamela to want that for herself? Was it even possible? Watching him as he laughed softly at Elissa’s texted remark, Pamela felt hopeful for the first time in forever.
“I like your Nari,” he said, “she is quite funny.”
“You do?”
“Yes,” he furrowed his eyebrows thoughtfully and once more she was struck by how handsome he was, “I like all of them. The Maverick Pride is full of feisty women and honest men. I look forward to being part of that group, Pamela. That is, the minute you say yes, of course. That is when our real mating can begin, but I won’t rush you, kitten,” he kissed her palm and watched the road.
Pamela was deep in thought for most of the drive back to Maverick Point. She was once again happily surprised that Javier did not seem to mind her contemplative mood in the least. It was the first time her significant other did not demand all her attention and wasn’t that nice for a change!
It was a hard fact that Javier was the only man she had ever known who had her comfort and safety at the foremost of his mind. Everything he did told her he cared, and her discussion with Elissa had confirmed it.
“You know, for a woman who was born a Shifter, you know very little about fated mates,” the Nari had remarked with a hint of sadness in her voice, “I am so sorry I didn’t know you before, Pamela, but let me put your fears to rest. If your Tigress recognizes Javier as your mate and his Bear does the same for you, then you are fated mates. It is practically his only biological imperative to keep you happy, safe, and if you’re lucky, to fuck you stupid nightly,” Elissa had grinned at the last bit of her speech.
Pamela was grateful for her in so many ways. And even more grateful that now she understood that she could trust him and her feelings for him. The future was never certain, but if she had Javier in her life, it would be good, that much she could be sure of.
The trip was usually just over two hours, but with holiday traffic, it took nearly three. Paulie had slept most of the way, but they stopped and peed on the side of the road with half an hour to go. Javier was so cute, he went too, just so the little guy didn’t feel alone. Was it possible for her to love him anymore?
“Mommy! Javi can make shapes in the snow with his pee!”
“What?” she opened her eyes wide and met Javi’s shocked face.
“Uh,” he looked horribly embarrassed.
Pamela laughed and he grinned beneath his bright cheeks. She nodded at her son as he described the event and she strapped him safely back into his seat.
“I can only make a circle, but he got a good five point star!” Paulie enthused.