Page 7 of Purrfectly Naughty
There were tons of food and drink available from all over the world. Tiny finger sandwiches, delicate cheese puffs, quiches, salads, tamales, empanadas, pastas, sushi, and bite-sized chunks of grilled meats on tiny little skewers were being passed out by waiters in waistcoats.
He was not very hungry and decided to wander instead. Much to his delight, it had been snowing when he’d arrived and looking out one of the large windows, he was taken back by the spectacular view.
The forest was blanketed in white, looking for all the world like the perfect Christmas card background. Javier stopped as the sounds of tiny voices reached his ears and noted a separate room where a group of children were running happily amok.
It was just like Gerri to include her guests’ young. They had their own food and waitstaff present, but with so many little voices, he imagined it was difficult to hear everyone so he went inside to see if he could help.
The cubs and pups seemed thrilled to be there, and why not? They had their very own entertainment area with a DJ, cookie decorating tables, and of course, some lucky volunteer dressed as Santa himself. Javier went inside, unable to help himself.
Just for a few moments. He always enjoyed being around the children of the staff at his brother’s villa. He had once even considered going to school to become a teacher. His father had even encouraged him, but Javier soon found his love for business rivaled that of teaching other people’s children.
No, he would save all his affection for when he was a father himself. Something he hadn’t thought much about till right then, but he sure could picture it. A small cub to play catch with or sweet girl to cherish and spoil. Either way he would love his cubs, he just knew it.
“That’s mine!”
“No, it’s mine!”
“Easy, ninos, tell me what is the problem?” Javier knelt down to speak with the two small children who were arguing over what appeared to be a bowl of silver sprinkles.
“I was usin’ them first!” pouted one adorable cherub.
“Nuh uh!” returned the other freckled sprite.
“I see, well, did you both know that everything is much more fun when we share? Look, here is another bowl with even more wonderful colors,” he smiled and placed another small dish of the delightful confections between the two children and handed them spoons.
Within seconds, they were both enthusing over their cookies and promised to make one for Javier himself. He laughed indulgently and stood back up.
“Gracias, I look forward to enjoying them,” he said and waved as he walked back out to the main hallway.